
dònɡ ròu
  • frozen meat
冻肉 [dòng ròu]
  • [frozen meat] 冷冻的肉食

  1. 以新鲜肉作为原料制作的乳化肠产品的质构特性、色差、感官评价结果均明显好于冻肉制品(P0.05)。

    Fresh meat as a raw material produced in emulsion sausage products , texture properties , color , sensory evaluation results were significantly better than frozen meat products ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 冷却肉与热鲜肉、冻肉食用质量的比较研究

    Comparative Study On Edible Quality of Chilled , Fresh and Frozen Meat

  3. 让冻肉完全化冻后再烹煮。

    Leave the meat to thaw completely before cooking .

  4. 唐帕特里克(Downpatrick)22岁的艾施利(Ashleigh)说:“我最爱吃比萨和冻肉,基本上一星期吃两次。”

    Ashleigh , 22 , from Downpatrick , says ' My favourites are pizza and frozen meals which I have about twice a week . '

  5. 有些冻肉则在网上出售。

    Some of the meat was sold on the Internet .

  6. 屠夫砍下一块冻肉的肋条。

    The butcher chopped off a rib of frozen pork .

  7. 解冻温度与冻肉酸度对牛肉质量的影响

    Effect of thawing temperature and acidity of frozen meat on the quality beef

  8. 这些冻肉的来源尚不清楚。

    The origin of the meat was not clear .

  9. 冻肉切片得力是超薄准备为锅做饭。

    Frozen meat is sliced deli-thin to prepare it for hot pot cooking .

  10. 有人把吉普车上的冻肉,黑面包和啤酒送上来。

    Someone brought cold cuts , dark bread , and beer from the jeep .

  11. 当冻肉开始融化时,细菌又复活了,重新开始繁殖。

    When the meat is thawed the bacteria come back to life and begin reproducing

  12. 冻肉用鸡带腰骨全腿

    Frozen broiler whole leg with back bone

  13. 我们把冻肉化开了。

    We thawed out the frozen meat .

  14. 一些冻肉上的印戳显示加工时间早在20世纪70年代。

    Some of the meat was found stamped with packing dates going back to the 1970s .

  15. 哥斯达黎加人会在一旁配一些鳄梨,油炸成熟的车前草或冻肉。

    Costa Ricans will often have a bit of avocado , fried ripe plantain or cold meat on the side .

  16. 切片冻肉这样造成它卷起烹调过程中,它通常被看作是这样的。

    Slicing frozen meat this way causes it to roll up during cooking , and it is often presented as such .

  17. 为了压低成本,这些冻肉会用普通卡车,而不是冷冻卡车运输,有时途中会超过12小时。

    To hold down costs , the meat would be transported in ordinary , nonrefrigerated trucks , sometimes for more than 12 hours .

  18. 嘿,说到储备,你知道政府储存了大量的冻肉来应对肉价上涨吗?

    Hey , speaking of stockpiling , did you know the government kept tons of frozen meat in case of a price hike ?

  19. 本文从理化测定和感官评定两个方面对冷却肉、热鲜肉及冻肉的食用质量进行比较研究。

    Comparative study on edible quality of chilled , fresh and frozen meat by physical and chemical inspection and sense evaluation had been made .

  20. 说完后我赶紧在他反应过来跟我要干洗费前一路小跑回去做冻肉了。

    I immediately ran back to our frozen meat area before he got a chance to ask me to pay for the laundry fee .

  21. 京晶:嗯,商务部已经将冻肉(中央储备肉)投放市场,防止价格继续飞涨。

    Well , the Commerce Ministry has now put that frozen pork on the market , to keep prices from going through the roof .

  22. 汉堡吃不死人,过期的冻肉实际上更多是食品质量问题,而不是食品安全问题。

    No one died eating a Quarter Pounder , and expired frozen meat is really a food quality issue more than a food safety problem .

  23. 主要用于食品的速冻,如速冻肉、速冻水饺、速冻蔬菜等,要求在限定时间内迅速将食品冻结。

    Mainly applied to the freezing food such as quick-frozen meat , quick-frozen dumpling , quick-frozen vegetables which should be frozen rapidly in the limited time .

  24. 不过,这个将马肉混在450万牛肉产品中并畅销整个欧洲的公司,将不再被允许库存冻肉。

    But the company , whose horsemeat found its way into 4.5 million beef products sold across Europe , will no longer be allowed to stock frozen meat .

  25. 在门口的一张长桌子上摆着蛋糕、烧好的热乎乎的肉、面包、冻肉、水果和各种喝的。

    There was cake and hot meat and bread and cold meat and fruit , and all kinds of drinks , on a long table near the door .

  26. 最新的一个丑闻是:据官方通讯社新华社报道,中国查获了10万吨走私冻肉,其中一些是40多年前生产的。

    In the most recent episode , 100000 tons of smuggled frozen meat has been seized across China , some of it more than 40 years old , the state news agency Xinhua reported .

  27. 最终游离磷酸盐占总磷的比例在70%~72%之间,跟原料冻肉中的80%相比,说明游离磷酸盐在加热过程中下降的比重较蛋白结合磷酸盐大。

    At last , the proportion of free phosphate / total phosphate was between 70 % ~ 72 % . Compare with 80 % in the raw material meat , it explained that free phosphate had descended greatly than protein-bound phosphate .

  28. 在中国官方媒体中央电视台播出的视频中,南部城市深圳的工人用中国的标签对这些进口肉类进行重新包装,虽然出售合法进口的产品往往比本地肉类利润更高。有些冻肉则在网上出售。

    China Central Television , the state broadcaster , showed workers in the southern city of Shenzhen repackaging the imported meat with Chinese labels , even though imported products , if legal , tend to be more profitable than local ones.Some of the meat was sold on the Internet .