
dòng jiāng
  • frozen stiff;be frozen stiff;numb with cold
冻僵 [dòng jiāng]
  • [numb with cold;be frozen stiff] 由于冷冻而引起的麻木,无感觉

冻僵[dòng jiāng]
  1. 我看完比赛回到家里,都快冻僵了。

    I came home from the game frozen stiff .

  2. 看来你冻僵了。

    You look frozen stiff .

  3. 他的手指冻僵了。

    His fingers were numbed with the cold .

  4. 我简直冻僵了!

    I 'm absolutely frozen !

  5. 我要冻僵了!

    I 'm freezing !

  6. 我快冻僵了。没有外衣,没有火把,浑身湿透了,筋疲力尽。

    I was perished . No jacket , no torch , wet through , exhausted .

  7. 做这个手会冻僵的。

    Your hands will freeze doing this .

  8. 我快冻僵了。

    I was freezing cold

  9. 我的手指冻僵了。

    My fingersare numb [ stiff ] with cold .

  10. 他冻僵了。

    He is frozen with cold .

  11. 他们找到他时,他差不多冻僵了。

    He was near frozen when they found him .

  12. 他的脚冻僵了。

    His feet were numb with cold .

  13. 方向盘从我冻僵的手里滑脱,汽车便横着穿过了马路。

    The wheel slipped from my frozen hand , and the car went right across the road .

  14. 例句外面太冷了,他觉得都快冻僵了。

    It was so cold outside that he felt frozen to the core .

  15. 她在竭力摆脱冻僵的感觉

    She was fighting off the numbness of frostbite .

  16. 例句我得戴上手套,我的手指冻僵了。

    I need to put some gloves on - my fingers feel numb .

  17. 现在Tina感觉眼睛和鼻子都冻僵了。

    Tina : My eyes and nose are frozen . Ohh ...

  18. 我快冻僵了,这些天太冷了啊!

    I 'm freezing . It 's terribly cold these days .

  19. 我在玉龙雪山上被冻僵了。

    I was frozen solid by the snow on Yulong Mountain .

  20. 让我们离开这里吧。我快冻僵了。

    Let 's get out of here . I 'm freezing .

  21. 给你说老实话吧,我都快冻僵了。

    To tell you the truth , I 'm almost freezing .

  22. 他看来冻僵了,需要来杯热饮。

    He looks half frozen ; he needs a hot drink .

  23. 我们最好找到地方住,否则你们会冻僵的。

    We 'd better find shelter or you two will freeze .

  24. 冬天他在外面呆了一宿都快被冻僵了。

    He was nearly frozen to stay outdoors in winter .

  25. 当你的手冻僵的时候,它们就没有知觉了。

    When your hands are frozen , they Become insensible .

  26. 才11月啊,我都快冻僵了。

    It 's only november , and I 'm freezing .

  27. 等它们到那儿,可怜的蚱蜢已经冻僵了。

    By this time the poor grasshopper was frozen stiff .

  28. 记住,有的人在冬天冻僵了,有的人却在滑雪!

    Remember , some people freeze in the winter ; others ski !

  29. 她那双小手都快冻僵了。

    Her little hands were almost frozen with the cold .

  30. 他们或许可以感受一下寒冷将双手冻僵的情况。

    They might experience numbness in their hands because of the cold .