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  • endopeptidase
  1. 目的:观察中性内肽酶(NEP)在心力衰竭(心衰)患者淋巴细胞中的表达。

    Objective : To detect neutral endopeptidase ( NEP ) expression in lymphocytes of patients with congestive heart failure .

  2. 本研究以探讨月季切花(Rosahybrida)的衰老进程中乙烯与内肽酶之间的关联为目的。

    This work was aimed to investigate the relationship between ethylene and endopeptidase during flower opening and senescence in cut rose ( . Rosa hybrida ) .

  3. 另外,不同浓度放线菌酮、激素、H2O2处理实验结果表明,放线菌酮和BA抑制内肽酶的活性,而ABA和H2O2可促进内肽酶活力的提高。

    The results also showed that BA and actidione inhibited endopeptidases activity .

  4. 小麦叶片衰老过程中内肽酶同工酶变化和特性及Rubisco降解的研究

    Identification of Endopeptidase Isoenzymes and Degradation of Rubisco during Wheat Leaf Senescence

  5. 用外源H2O2处理全展旗叶的内肽酶粗提液,随着H2O2浓度的升高,内肽酶活力先上升后下降。

    With the increase of exogenous H 2O 2 , the activity of EP increased at first and then decreased .

  6. 小麦叶片老化期间,H2O2含量高的叶片中内肽酶活力也高。老化后期,内源H2O2迅速累积,内肽酶活力迅速上升;

    Rapid accumulation of endogenous H2O2 and marked increase of EP activity were observed during the later phase of aging .

  7. 黄瓜叶片粗提液总内肽酶的最适pH为7.0,最适温度为40℃,内肽酶活性可被Ca2+、Zn2+、半胱氨酸等激活。

    The optimum pH and temperature of total endopeptidases in crude extracts were pH 7.0,40 ℃ . Besides , Ca2 + , Zn2 + and cystine could increase the endopeptidase activities .

  8. 基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一大类锌依赖性内肽酶家族,能降解一种或几种细胞外基质(ECM)。

    Matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ), zinc dependent proteolytic enzymes , can cleave extracellular matrix ( ECM ) .

  9. 基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一类依赖于Zn2+、有降解细胞外基质(ECM)能力的内肽酶家族。

    Matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ) are Zn2 + - dependent endopeptidases family , which are capable of collectively degrading all kinds of extracellular matrix proteins .

  10. 而采用将明胶为底物的SDS-PAGE方法只能检测到一种新内肽酶同工酶的出现,因此衰老期间表达的内肽酶同工酶大都是对SDS敏感的或多亚基的蛋白水解酶。

    While using SDS-gelatin-PAGE , only one emerging EP isoenzyme was detected . It implied that most of the EPs expressed during senescence were sensitive to SDS or these proteases were composed of multisubunits .

  11. BoNT在结构上分为两部分:轻链(LC,50kD)为活性结构域,具有锌依赖性金属内肽酶活性;

    BoNT is divided into two parts structurally : Light chain ( LC , 50 kD ) is the catalytic domain as zinc dependent metalloprotease ;

  12. 基质金属蛋白酶(Matrixmetalloproteinases,MMPs)是一组参与ECM降解的内肽酶超家族,其中MMP-1为人类间质胶原酶,它最重要的底物是Ⅲ型胶原。

    Matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ) comprise a superfamily of at least 20 members of endopeptidase involving in ECM degradation . MMP-1 is the human interstitial collagenase , the most appropriate substrate of which is type III collagen .

  13. 胁迫诱导的花瓣内肽酶活性上升,‘Samantha’明显晚于‘Belami’,同一品种带枝花早于离枝花。

    WDS-induced increase of endopeptidase activity was later in ' Samantha ' than in ' Belami ', and it was earlier in the flowers with branches than without branches in a cultivar .

  14. 基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一类高度保守的锌离子依赖内肽酶家族,大部分能降解基底膜成分和细胞外基质,它在肿瘤的侵袭转移中起到了重要的作用。

    The matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ) are a family of zinc-dependent endopeptidases . MMPs are essential enzymes which are involved in the degradation of basilar membrane and the extracellular matrix , and play an important role in the tumor invasion and metastasis .

  15. 乙烯处理和1-MCP处理采用不同的处理时间和不同的开花级数,测定项目有自然开花和衰老过程中及乙烯和乙烯抑制剂1-MCP处理前后花瓣中可溶性蛋白质含量及内肽酶活性和种类的变化。

    The changes of soluble protein content and activities and kinds of endopeptidase in the petals of cut rose flowers were determined during natural opening and senescence of flowers and before or after the treatment of ethylene and its receptor inhibitor , 1-MCP .

  16. 内肽酶Meprin抑制调节动脉粥样硬化斑块进展的实验研究脂联素基因多态性与冠心病及斑块进展的相关性研究

    The Study of Meprin Regulation of the Development and Progression of Atheroscleosis in Mice Correlation of adiponectin gene polymorphisms with coronary artery disease and plaque progression

  17. 以切花月季(Rosahybrida)品种Samantha和Kardinal为试材,探讨了乙烯和乙烯作用抑制剂1-MCP处理对不同品种花朵开放和衰老以及内肽酶活性和种类的影响。

    Cut rose ( Rosa hybrida ) cv . Samantha and Kardinal were used to investigate the effects of ethylene and its action inhibitor , 1-MCP , on flower opening and senescence , and the activity and types of endopeptidase in petals .

  18. 不育系三核期含有的BAPA内肽酶包括半胱氨酸型、丝氨酸型,以及部分含金属酶类;

    Endopeptidase , BAPA , from sterile line at trinucleate stage showed cysteine - and serine types , and also part of type with metalloprotease , but it was the serine type only in maintainer line .

  19. 黄瓜叶片生长期间内肽酶活性和同工酶变化及其生化特性

    Study on endopeptidase isoenzymes and their characters in cucumber leaf development period

  20. 水稻叶片光合功能衰退过程中内肽酶活力的变化

    Changes in Endopeptidase Activity in Rice Leaves During Photosynthetic Declination

  21. 脯氨酰内肽酶培养条件的优化及高密度发酵

    Cultivation Optimization of Prolyl Endopeptidase and High Cell Density Fermentation

  22. 凝胶电泳法研究紫萍半叶状体衰老期间的内肽酶同工酶

    Endopeptidase Isozymes in Spirodela polyrrhiza Half-fronds during Senescence by Electrophoresis

  23. 中性内肽酶抑制药在心血管疾病治疗中的应用

    Application of neutral endopeptidase inhibitor in treatment of cardiovascular diseases

  24. 点状产气单胞菌脯氨酰内肽酶基因的克隆与表达

    Gene cloning and expression of prolyl endopeptidase from Aeromonas punctata

  25. 中性内肽酶在心力衰竭患者淋巴细胞中的表达

    Expression of neutral endopeptidase in peripheral lymphocytes of patients with congestive heart failure

  26. 食品发酵用霉菌产内肽酶的研究进展

    Research Progress on Fermentation Production Technology and Physicochemical Properties of Endopeptidases by Molds

  27. 丝氨酸内肽酶在黄瓜叶片衰老中的作用

    The Role of Serine Endopeptidase in Cucumber Leaf Senescence

  28. 目的从海洋生物双齿围沙蚕消化道上皮细胞中获得编码丝氨酸内肽酶某一功能基因的克隆。

    Objective To obtain sequence encoding serine protease from clamworm digestive tract epithelial cells .

  29. 豆类种子中的内肽酶在植物蛋白与淀粉生产中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Endopeptidases in Various Seeds for Processing Vegetable Protein and Starch

  30. 盐胁迫下不结球白菜幼苗叶片内肽酶同工酶变化及生化特性研究

    The changes and biochemical characteristics of endopeptidase isozymes in non-heading Chinese cabbage under salt stress