
  • 网络Internal inspection;internal examination
  1. 通过23次震例内检,结果表明对提高地震综合预报能力具有积极作用。

    The interior test of 23 earthquakes indicated that it is useful for improving earthquake comprehensive prediction .

  2. 实际上,我在进入管理层之前曾经是我们公司的一名内检员。

    In fact , at one time I was an internal inspector in our company before I got into management .

  3. 提出了测量极大值和极小值的处理、内检样的合理插置、测试质量警告限的设置、组分总量的验证和异常抽查等一些实质性、操作性极强、具有实效的必要方法。

    Based on the discussion some proposals on processing of maximum and minimum values in measurements , reasonable utility of internal control samples , setup of the warning limits for measurement quality control , verification of the total components and spot check for abnormal values are put forward .

  4. 结果:3年内共检1200份食品,合格数为979件,合格率为81.6%。

    The qualification rate of the results was 81.6 % .

  5. 简易内花键检具

    A Simple Detector for Internal Spline

  6. 结论南昌地区内所检的市售饮料大部分符合国家卫生标准。

    [ Conclusion ] Most of the determined children 's beverages in Nanchang accord with the national standard .

  7. 其次又针对我国现行法框架内的检警关系状况进行了利弊分析,从而得出了需要改造的结论。

    Secondly to of our country current law examining alert relation state goes on pros and cons analyze in the frame , thus drawn the conclusion needing to transform .

  8. 程序员会在一天内多次检入代码,尽快地增加自动测试,甚至写了几行代码后就会重新编译。

    The programmers were checking in code multiple times a day , adding automated tests just as quickly , and recompiling even after writing only a dozen lines of code .

  9. 这将是某种视频会议的形式,Abuelazam在监狱的某个位置,而法官在法庭内,检控官和律师在法庭内通过视频可以看到他。

    It will be an in-house sort of video conference where he will be in one spot and the judge in the court room and the prosecutor and the attorneys will be seeing him in the court room .

  10. 提出了在观测系统面元属性分析中,对炮检距均匀性定量刻画的炮检距变化率参数,建立了基于面元内炮检距均匀分布的三维观测系统优化设计的最优化目标函数。

    Made in observing systems face Yuan attributes analysis , for the parameters of offset change rate that seized from quantitative descriptions of offset homogeneous , we established optimization objective function that on the basis of offset seized from being evenly distributed in the three-dimensional geometry optimization design .

  11. 关节内窥镜检术在早期诊断TMJ骨关节病中的作用及意义

    The role and significance of arthroscopy in early diagnosis of TMJ osteoarthritis

  12. 然后将每个面元内相同炮检距资料求和,即可作为DMO校正的结果。

    Finally , the summation of common offset data in each bin brings the result of the DMO correction .

  13. [结果]在两年化疗期内,询检组和IHA组化疗覆盖率分别为475%、392%和227%、224%。

    [ Results ] The chemotherapy coverage rates for two years were 47.5 % , 39.2 % and 22.7 % , 22.4 % in IPE group and IHA group respectively .

  14. 该机具有十分钟内无被检物自动听机的功能,以达到节电和安全保护作用。

    This machine has the function of automatic stop without detected objects in10 minutes , so as to play the protective role of electricity saving and safety .

  15. 在持续集成的环境中,程序员需要编写代码,在工作站上运行构建和测试,一天内多次进行检入。

    In a continuous integration environment , programmers are writing code , running the build and tests on their own workstations , and checking in multiple times a day .

  16. 年内,海关共检获1569部光碟烧录机,总值395万元,并拘捕97人。

    The department seized 1569 CD-writers , valued at $ 3.95 million , and arrested 97 persons .

  17. 成像孔径内的最大炮检距地震道应限定其空间分辨率大于等于1/2;

    The limited spatial resolution ratio of the seismic trace with maximum offset in imaging aperture is 1 / 2 ;

  18. 方法2(M-2):用组织切碎机将卵巢切成碎块,经吸管吹打制成的组织悬液置入网筛内过筛后检卵。

    The suspension is centrifuged and the preantral follicles are sorted . Method 2 ( M-2 ): Ovaries are cut into small pieces with a tissue chopper .

  19. 合作社章程有修改时,应经社员大会之决议,并于决议后一个月内,以书面检具会议纪录,向主管机关为变更之登记。

    The constitution of a cooperative may be modified only with the resolution of the member 's congress , and written proceedings of the Congress shall be submitted to the regulating authority for registration of alteration .

  20. 所得结果表明,用神经网络方法可以在一定精度范围内使震级预报的内检符合率达到100%,在本文的例子中,外推预报准确率达到60%以上。

    The result shows that by use of the method of neural networks the consistency degree in the magnitude prediction in certain accuracy may reach 100 % in the internal examinations and above 60 % in the extrapolated prediction tests .

  21. 颞颌关节内紊乱症滑膜病变的内窥镜检特征

    The arthroscopic features of synovial membrane in temporomandibular joint