
  • 网络Promotion Strategy;Promotioning Strategy;promoting strategy;promotion policies
  1. 本文主要应用了SWOT分析法、客户关系理论、人员促销策略理论和定价策略理论等。

    The thesis mainly applies SWOT analysis , customer relation theory , personnel promotion strategy and pricing strategy theory etc.

  2. 在促销策略,G银行采用农村信用社人员直接促销,媒体宣传促销,公共关系促销,营业推广促销和捆绑促销。

    In the promotion strategy , using G bank rural credit cooperatives personnel direct marketing , media publicity and promotion , public relations promotion , sales promotion and promotional bundles .

  3. 最后给出了ST公司半导体电源部中国市场营销策略,包括:产品策略,渠道策略,促销策略和大客户战略联盟策略。

    Finally , four marketing strategies are being used into the practice in ST Power B.U , including : production strategy 、 sales-channel strategy 、 promotion strategy and strategic-alliance strategy .

  4. 运用4PS理论,提出HQ摩托车的产品、价格、渠道、促销策略;

    By applying " 4PS " theory author brought up production , price , place and promotion management of HQ motorcycle .

  5. 营销案例教学模式探索分别从产品策略、价格策略、促销策略和分销策略四方面进行分析,总结HC公司营销工作存在的不足,为有针对性地提出营销策略打下基础。

    On Case-based Teaching Technique in Sale Course The analysis is made from the following four aspects : product tactics , pricing tactics , sale promotion tactics and distribution tactics .

  6. 营销4P的整合,主要是产品策略的整合和促销策略的整合;

    ( 2 ) Marketing 4P integration . That mainly is the product strategy integration , as well as promotion strategy integration and improvement ;

  7. 并根据市场营销的4P策略,针对广州旅游营销的不足之处,重点探讨产品策略和促销策略,策划了5种旅游拳头产品和6种旅游促销手段。

    According to " 4P " marketing strategies and the weak points in Guangzhou tourism marketing , the author also proposed five knockout tour products and six promotion methods .

  8. 并对澳柯玛小家电天津地区的渠道策略加以阐述,又从传统的4P的角度对渠道中的产品、价格和促销策略进行分析阐述。

    And the AUCMA appliance in Tianjin region of channel strategy , and from the perspective of the use of traditional products , price and the channel sales strategy analysis .

  9. 为WH烟草公司制定了市场营销策略,包括品牌策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、网络营销、体验营销等营销组合策略。

    Then the marketing strategy were drawed up for China Tobacco at WH , including brand strategy , distribution channel strategy , promotion strategy , network marketing , experiential marketing and so on .

  10. 在接下来的部分,论文总结了GS管理咨询公司在五年的发展过程中所采取的主要市场营销策略,包括其产品定位,产品策略,促销策略,合作商策略,咨询服务推进策略。

    From the chapter 3 , this article summarizes several important marketing tactics made by GS company during its 5 years ' development , including product position , product tactics , promotion tactics , representation tactics and consulting service promoting tactics .

  11. 再次,论文提出了KC公司第三终端市场营销策略,对产品策略、定价策略、渠道策略、促销策略进行了详细分析。

    Thirdly , the article presents the marketing strategy for KC Pharmaceutical Co , Ltd third medical terminal , analyzing products strategy , fixed price strategy , marketing channel strategy , and promote sales strategy thoroughly .

  12. 以营销理论为工具,分析SF在销售服务中所遇到的问题,同时提出强化产品套装销售、加强会员之间的交流以产生更强归属感等促销策略。

    Based on the marketing tools , analysis of SF encountered problems in the sales and service , also proposes to strengthen the product suite sales , enhance exchanges among members to produce a stronger sense of belonging and other marketing strategies .

  13. 营销组织与营销控制研究。营销活动与营销决策研究是市场营销学的核心内容,也就是营销学常说的4Ps,即产品策略、渠道策略、定价策略、促销策略。

    The core idea of marketing is marketing activity and marketing decision , which is often mentioned as 4Ps in marketing , that is , product strategy , channel strategy , pricing strategy and promotion strategy .

  14. 根据麦卡锡的4P理论,可以把营销策略安全界定为品牌策略安全、产品策略安全、价格策略安全、渠道策略安全和促销策略安全五大部分。

    Based on the McCarthy 's Marketing theory of Four " P " s , the marketing tactics security is divided into brand tactics security , products tactics security , price tactics security , channel tactics security and promotion tactics security .

  15. 最后,文章从4p角度,就企业针对我国消费者实施的绿色产品策略、绿色价格策略、绿色分销渠道策略和绿色促销策略进行了系统深入的研究。

    In the end , from the traditional 4P points , the essay makes a systemic and deeply study on the green marketing strategy : green production strategy , green price strategy , green distribution channel strategy and green sales promotion strategy .

  16. 通过运用STP理论重点阐述了河北古城香业集团公司卫生香营销策略方案,制定了新的产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、终端促销策略以及品牌策略。

    Through using the theory of STP , have explained especially the formulation and implementation of the marketing tactics of group company of Gucheng incense are proposed , promote the tactics and brand tactics after making new products tactics , price strategy , channel tactics , terminal station .

  17. 再是运用4P营销组合理论结合一些小的模型详细分析产品的营销组合,同时依据《风暴英语》的特点,制定了产品推广中的产品策略、渠道策略、价格策略和促销策略。

    Chapter 4 analyzes in detail the marketing combination for this product with 4Ps Theory and some models in end users and advertisement aspects . At the same time , the article frames promotion strategies like Product strategy , channel strategy , pricing strategy and promotion strategy .

  18. 试论广西旅游市场促销策略的新选择

    On the New Choice of Promotion Strategy in Guangxi Tourist Market

  19. 重庆市海外旅游客源市场分析及促销策略

    Analysis and marketing strategy of overseas tourist market in Chongqing

  20. 供应链中委托代理模型及其促销策略

    The Principal-Agent Model of Trade Promotion Strategies in Supply Chain

  21. 讨论竞争对手的销售和促销策略。

    To review the sales and promotional activities of competitors .

  22. 以树立品牌形象为主的促销策略;

    Setting up the brand - oriented promotion policy ;

  23. 远程教育型网站促销策略分析

    Analysis of the promotion strategy for distance learning websites

  24. 基于消费者感知的价格促销策略研究

    A Study on Consumer Perception Based Price Promotion Strategy

  25. 促销策略为:知识促销锁定客户群体。

    Marketing strategy : marketing knowledge lock customers groups .

  26. 促销策略主要采取人员推销和广告促销;

    Vicissitude of Strategy The promotion relies on personnel promotion and the advertisement .

  27. 网络促销策略及其评价方法研究

    Research on Cyber Sales Promotion Tactics and Evaluation Methods

  28. 宁波市体育旅游开发和体育旅游促销策略的研究

    Development and Promotion Strategy of Sports Tourism in Ningbo

  29. 南岳客源市场调查与区域促销策略

    An investigation of nanyue 's tourists source and the strategy of region promotion

  30. 以质量保证为前提的商品促销策略

    The Strategy of Advancing Sell of Goods on the Premise of Quality Assurance