
  • 网络Supplier Capability;power of suppliers
  1. 华为表示,本文开头提到的这笔收购将“通过引入快速的业务创新和多供应商能力,提高自身在SDN解决方案和服务方面的竞争力”。

    Huawei said that the acquisition would " improve its competitiveness in SDN solutions and services by introducing fast business innovation and multi-vendor capability . "

  2. 基于寄售库存的供应商能力选择与分配问题研究

    How to Choose and Allocate Supplier Capacity Based on Consignment Stock

  3. 供应商能力评估是伴随经济全球化而诞生的新的管理问题,国内外的许多学者在这方面都作了很多的研究,其实践应用也取得了可喜的成果。

    Supply ability evaluating is a new issue of management , many scholars study this spaces , its application in practice has got great achievement .

  4. 由于汽车行业的特殊性,供应商能力的改善能极大的提升整车的产品质量、降低物料成本、提高汽车企业对市场的响应速度、加快产品开发进度。

    For the specialty of automotive industry , improvement of suppliers can greatly enhance product quality , reduce material costs , improve the response speed of vehicle business-to-market , and speed up product development .

  5. ABC公司供应商质量能力评价方法研究

    Evaluation Method Research for Supplier Quality Capability of ABC Company

  6. 把VMI,市场定价策略,供应商生产能力,以及原材料采购有机结合起来,在基于VMI系统利润最大化的基础上,首先给出了考虑定价、生产能力和原材料采购的VMI系统集成模型;

    Based on maximizing the profit of the VMI ( vendor managed inventory ) system , a VMI system integration model considering pricing , production capacity , and material procurement was firstly proposed .

  7. 但这家企业正向新的事业层面进发,其在财务和技术方面将要面临的挑战之大,将对Petrobras和巴西供应商的能力构成严峻考验。

    But it is moving now to a new level of enterprise , in which the financial and technical challenges are so great that they will severely test the capacities of Petrobras and Brazilian suppliers .

  8. 图书馆图书供应商综合能力评价模型及分析

    Model for Evaluating Library Book Supplier Integrated Competence & Its Analysis

  9. 具备与供应商谈判能力。

    Has negotiation ability on technical and commercial terms with suppliers .

  10. 具有开发和评估新供应商的能力;

    Ability and experiences in new factory audit and assessment ;

  11. 供应商整体能力的高低,直接影响到自身企业的市场竞争力。

    Suppliers integrated capacity directly lead to the impact of company market competence .

  12. 在所有情况下,你的服务器与你的网络供应商的能力相同。

    In all cases , your server is only as capable as your network provider .

  13. 基于决策树的农产品供应商竞标能力的数据挖掘分析

    Data Mining Analysis of Bidding Ability of Agricultural Products ' Suppliers based upon Decision Tree

  14. 本文第四章在策略性外包理论的基础上,修正并建立了修正后的策略性外包模型,并据此对外包供应商的能力和策略性外包的基本模式进行了企业层面的分析。

    Based on the politic outsourcing theory , the author has provided an Amended Politic Outsourcing Model .

  15. 而供应商销售能力的差异也会导致领导企业的知识转移意愿的显著不同。

    Differences of suppliers selling capacity will lead in a significant difference for leaders willing to transfer knowledge .

  16. 我们认为最终大约将有三家供应商有能力满足这一需求。

    Ultimately we think there are about three providers out there that are going to be able to meet that need .

  17. 首先根据来料缺陷品的缺陷数对来料水平进行评价,分析出供应商过程能力的水平。

    Firstly , the product quality is evaluated according the defect number of products , and the capability of suppliers is analyzed .

  18. 即使一些供应商的能力相对于专业的规则供应商来说较薄弱,这些供应商提供内置的能力也可能是最可行的选择。

    The built-in capabilities of some vendors may be the most viable alternative even if their capabilities are weak relative to pure-play rules vendors .

  19. 在批量生产过程中,定期对供应商质量能力进行评审,如果出现质量问题,督促供应商进行整改,并对整改后的情况进行跟踪。

    Review the quality capacity of the supplier during series production ; supervise the supplier improvement and trace it if happening the quality problem .

  20. 中国汽车市场快速发展,但技术是中国汽车产业的短板,零部件供应商的能力不强,汽车服务市场发展不够。

    Chinese auto market developed rapidly , but technology is the short board , parts suppliers are not strong , auto service market is not enough .

  21. 管理里供应链:有效利用供应商的能力,注重共同持续进步和共同责任的关系,协调发展,满足客户需求。

    Management of supply chain relationships-we leverage supplier competencies and develop relationships that focus on mutual , continuous improvement and a shared responsibility to meet our customer requirements .

  22. 农产品批发市场具有良好的竞争力,主要表现在:行业内竞争力强、上游供应商竞争能力中等、下游购买者的竞争能力中等、潜在进入者竞争能力弱和替代产品竞争力中等。

    Agricultural products wholesale market has good competitiveness , because of high competitiveness in the industry , middle competitiveness from suppliers and buyers , weak competitiveness from emerging competitors and middle competitiveness from substitutes .

  23. 外包市场经过十几年的发展,不论在外包品种还是供应商服务能力方面都有了很大提高,一批又一批专业服务机构不断壮大,人力资源管理外包正朝着规范化、专业化发展。

    Outsourcing market after 10 years of development , no matter in outsourcing varieties or supplier service ability all had a very big enhancement . The human resources management outsourcing is going toward standardization and specialization .

  24. 并运用五力模型从潜在进入者威胁、供应商讨价还价能力、买方讨价还价能力、替代品威胁、现有竞争者五个角度对竞争环境进行了分析。

    And the article used five forces model threats , analyzed from five competitors as threat of potential entrants , the bargaining power of suppliers , bargaining power of buyers , threat of substitutes , the existing competitors .

  25. 最后,针对供应商质量供应能力评估和供应商分类管理两个方面进行了实例分析,为G公司及同类型企业在今后实施供应商质量管理过程中的方法应用提供借鉴。

    Finally , this article advices the applied analysis on the aspects of supplier quality supply capacity assessment and supplier classification management , in order to provide G Company and the same type enterprises the reference about how to implement supplier quality management method .

  26. Potter的竞争理论,对醋酸市场的现有竞争者、潜在竞争者、替代品竞争者、供应商的讨价还价能力和购买者的讨价还价能力等五种竞争作用力进行了研究。

    Potter , this paper studies the five forces of acetic acid industry including the current rivals , the threats of entry , the threats of substitutes , the bargaining power of suppliers and the bargaining power of buyers .

  27. 供应商是否有能力提供不含卤素的产品?

    Does supplier have the ability to build the Halogen-free product ?

  28. 供应商质量供应能力指数的分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on the Competence Index of Quality Supply of Suppliers

  29. 正是这些供应商提供的能力让新公司获得了可互操作性。

    It is these provider-offered capabilities that enable interoperability for the startup .

  30. 评估供应商的实际能力,挑选供应商及发展多种原材料来源。

    Assess supplier capabilities , select suppliers and develop alternative sources for material .