
  • 网络Supply chain partnership
  1. 员工外在社会资本对供应链合作关系的影响研究

    Influence of Personnel 's External Social Capitals in Supply Chain Partnership

  2. 基于委托-代理机制的供应链合作关系模型

    The Model of Supply Chain Partnership based on Principal-Agent Mechanism

  3. 模糊优选法在绿色供应链合作关系评价中的应用

    Application of Fuzzy Optimum Selection Method in the Green Supply Chain Collaboration

  4. 面向供应链合作关系的供应商评价与选择

    Supply Chain Partnership Faced Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers

  5. 刍议我国企业的供应链合作关系

    Cooperative Relationship Based on Supply Chain for Chinese Enterprises

  6. 从啤酒游戏看供应链合作关系形成的原因

    The Reason of Formation of Supply Chain Partnership

  7. 其次是对供应链合作关系基础理论间的对比研究。

    Second is the basic theory of supply chain relationship between the comparative study .

  8. 供应商的评价选择是供应链合作关系运行的基础。

    The evaluation and selecting of supplies is the foundation of the operation is supply chain .

  9. 供应链合作关系发展探析

    Development of Supply Chain Collaboration

  10. 但大部分学者没有对供应链合作关系理论进行系统研究。

    However , most scholars do not make a systematic study of various theories to supply chain partnership .

  11. 在建立供应链合作关系之前,对供应商的评价、选择是企业的重要决策问题之一。

    One of the most important decision problems for enterprises is to evaluate their suppliers before maintaining supply chain partnership .

  12. 供应链合作关系是一种内在制度,故供应链合作关系的形成是一种诱致性制度变迁。

    SCP is a kind of internal institution . Therefore , the formation of SCP is a kind of nature institution change .

  13. 围绕造船供应链合作关系建立、运行和维护的三个阶段,论文依次进行如下六个方面的重点研究。

    Based on the establishment , operation and maintenance of cooperative relationship , the following six problems are studied one by one .

  14. 基于合作关系运营的基础理论比较研究,阐述了供应链合作关系之间的联系以及各种合作关系所表现出来的主要特征。

    Relationship-based comparative study basic theory of operation , described the relationship between supply chain linkages and cooperation between all the main features shown .

  15. 这些影响因素呈现很强的扰动性和破坏性,很容易造成农产品供应链合作关系的解体从而给农产品供应链带来巨大的危害。

    The unstable factors present strong disturbance and destructibility and cause disintegration of cooperative relationship of agricultural products supply chain and bring great harm to agricultural products supply chain .

  16. 本文通过实证分析发现,活力型企业文化对供应链合作关系质量具有显著的积极影响,而且与关系质量的灵活性和沟通性两个子维度都有着显著的间接影响效果。

    Through the empirical analysis the thesis finds that the adhocracy culture has the remarkable forward correlation with the relationship quality and its two sub-dimensions : relationship frequency and relationship facilitation .

  17. 在供应链合作关系中,采购作为上下游企业的关键节点,对于供应链效益起到直接而重要的作用,采购行为可以直观的体现企业的供应链合作伙伴关系的密切程度。

    As a key pitch point which links upstream and downstreams enterprises , procurement plays a direct and important role in supply chain efficiency . Procurement can show the close degree of relationship between enterprise and suppliers directly .

  18. 第二,研究了供应链合作关系形成的条件、机理与过程。得出在供应链企业之间形成合作关系的动力条件是效率与均衡,其中效率是根本的,均衡是效率的保证。

    The second part studies conditions , mechanism and course that forms the coordinative relationship of supply chain to conclude that efficiency and balance is the motive condition of forming cooperative relations among enterprises in the supply chain .

  19. 最后,探讨基于中国关系文化的提升创业供应链合作关系稳定性的建议,为提高供应链的整体竞争力,促进我国供应链联盟的发展提供参考。

    At last , some suggestions are proposed based on GUANXI culture on the consideration of offering references to enhance the stability of the entrepreneurial supply chain partnership and improve the supply chain competitiveness of our native enterprises .

  20. 本文通过实证分析发现,企业声誉与关系质量存在着显著的正向相关关系,而且对供应链合作关系质量的持久性、关系强度、多样性和公平性子维度也发挥着显著的间接影响效应。

    Through the empirical analysis the thesis finds that the corporate reputation has the remarkable forward correlation with the relationship quality , has an indirect positive influence on the endurance , intensity , diversity and equality of the supply chain partnership quality .

  21. 供应链合作关系是供应链管理的重要内容,协调是供应链合作关系的关键,学者们从实证的角度对供应链合作关系中的协调机制与绩效的关系进行了研究。

    The cooperative relationship of supply chain is the issue of supply chain management , and supply chain coordination is the key element of the supply chain cooperative relationship . Some scholars have investigated the relationship between supply chain coordination mechanism and performance by using empirical study .

  22. 节点企业的组织结构特征是否符合供应链合作关系的要求,决定了物流等职能活动之间的协同程度,以及物流管理效率的高低,并最终影响着供应链合作绩效。

    Whether the characteristics of the organization structure accord with the demands of the supply chain cooperation , decides ultimately the coordination and composition of the activities among different logistics functions , the efficiency of the logistics management , and the overall achievements of the supply chain cooperation .

  23. 并针对问题提出准确预测消费者需求,提高生产的柔性,建立高质高效的物流体系,建立供应链合作关系以及运用现代化的信息技术五个方面的相关对策。

    In view of these problems , the thesis puts forward to predict consumer demand accurately , improve the production of flexible , with high quality and efficiency of logistics system , establishing supply chain partnership and the use of modern information technology five aspects of the relevant countermeasures .

  24. 声誉作为信任的功能等价物或替代物,在供应链合作关系的发展演变过程中,尤其是在合作关系的初建阶段,发挥着信息显示作用、隐性激励和强化作用。

    As the equivalent with the same function or the subsistent of the trust , corporate reputation displays the information-demonstrated function , implicit incentive function and enhancement function into the evolution process of the cooperation relationship , especially in the period of the establishment of the supply chain partnership .

  25. 因此合作伙伴的评价选择是供应链合作伙伴关系运行的基础,企业实施VMI必须理性地对供应链合作伙伴评价选择。

    So the evaluation and choice of cooperative partners is the basis for the running of partnership . Enterprises which carry out VMI must evaluate and choose the supply chain partners rationally .

  26. 第三章介绍了VMI下的供应链合作伙伴关系管理的特点以及VMI的实施对供应链合作伙伴选择的影响。

    In the third chapter , it explains the characteristics of the management of supply chain partnership in the environment of VMI and the effects on the choice of supply chain partner which is made by the implementation of VMI .

  27. 供应链联盟合作关系几个问题研究

    Research of Several Questions on Cooperation Relationship in Supply Chain Alliance

  28. 超越交易成本经济学的治理结构&供应链合作伙伴关系

    Partnership in Supply Chain & Governance Structure Beyond Transaction Cost Economics

  29. 基于博弈论的供应链成员合作关系分析

    Analysis of supply chain members ' cooperative relationship based on Game Theory

  30. 第二章是供应链合作伙伴关系概述。

    The second chapter is the supply chain partnership outlined .