
xiū mián zhǒnɡ zi
  • Dormant seed;latent seed
  1. 休眠种子和萌发种子辐照M1代在生物学性状的变化上存在很大的差异;

    There were significant differences of M1 generation biological traits between resting seeds and sprout seed .

  2. 提示用一定浓度范围的PEG溶液浸种可使休眠种子活化,提高种子繁育的效率。

    These work show that the seed was revivified with the treatment of a certain concentration of PEG and got a high efficiency of seed breeding .

  3. 通过柱层析对内源激素进行分离提取,再用气相色谱进行鉴定,结果证明,无论是休眠种子还是解除休眠的种子,其种皮和种胚中都含有脱落酸(ABA);

    The endogenous phytohormones were extracted and isolated by means of column chromatography and detected in seed coat and embryo of both seeds dormant and released from dormancy .

  4. 具有中度大小种子(0.1~10mg)的植物在成熟植被、总的土壤种子库、休眠种子库和幼苗中分布最多且最广;

    The middle sized seeds ( 0.1 - 10mg ) were either abundant and broadly distributed in vegetation , total soil seed banks , seedling banks and persistent seed banks .

  5. 温度不同也影响着次生休眠种子的发生率。

    Temperature variations affected the percent dormant seeds produced .

  6. 休眠种子的电导率低于非休眠种子。

    Electric conductivity of dormant seed is higher than that of non - dormant seed .

  7. 浸水吸涨的休眠种子各部位;

    Each part of imbibed dormant seeds ;

  8. 人工老化处理1天、2天、4天的吸涨休眠种子种胚。

    4 , embryos of imbibed dormant seeds through artificially accelerating aged for 1,2 and 4 days .

  9. 涝害和低氧高氮处理产生很少的次生休眠种子。

    Anaerobic treatment produced very few dormant seeds , as did an atmosphere low in oxygen and high in nitrogen .

  10. 与种子的这种生理状态一致,子叶和外胚乳中的贮藏蛋白质存在于细胞的大液泡中,并不形成通常在正常休眠种子中看到的那种蛋白体。

    In accordance with the physiological state of the seeds , thestorage proteins accumulate in the large vacuoles of the cells of the cotyledon and perisperm , nosuch protein bodies are formed as found in normal dormant seeds .

  11. 植物激素脱落酸(ABA)调节植物多种生长发育过程,包括种子贮藏蛋白的合成、种子耐脱水性与休眠、种子的萌发、幼苗的生长以及调节植物对各种胁迫的反应。

    The phytohormone abscisic acid ( ABA ) is an important regulatory factor during plant growth and development . It plays an important role in the synthesis of seed storage protein , water-tolerance , seed dormancy and germination , seeding growth and regulations of stress .

  12. 丁草胺诱导稻田休眠稗草种子萌发的作用

    Induction of the Dormant Barnyardgrass Seeds Germination by Butachlor

  13. 西洋参种胚发育和休眠与种子内源激素关系的研究

    Study on the Relationship of Embryo Development , Dormancy and Seed Endogenous Hormones of American Ginseng

  14. 在冬油菜基因型中,当培养温度与发芽试验的温度不同时,较少产生次生休眠的种子。

    Hi winter genotypes fewer dormant seeds were produced when incubation temperature and germination test temperatures differed .

  15. ABA诱发二次休眠对油菜种子抗老化的效应

    Effect of Secondary Dormancy Induced Abscisic Acid on Resistance to Senescence of Brassica napus Seeds

  16. 休眠期珙桐种子cDNA文库构建及EST分析

    Construction of cDNA Library and Analysis of the Expressed Sequenced Tags ( ESTs ) Characteristics of Dormant Seeds of Davidia involucrata

  17. 采用以r射线照射为主处理、氯化钠为副处理的裂区试验设计,研究氯化钠对水稻休眠和萌发种子的辐射保护作用。

    Split plot experiments with r-radiation and sodium chloride were conducted to investigate the protection effect of sodium chloride on M1 generation of dormant and germinating seeds treated with r-radiation in rice .

  18. 该草种子没有休眠期,种子寿命为三年,最适贮存年限为一年。

    The optimum storage period for the seed is one year .

  19. 光照、温度及其互作显著影响休眠释放后种子的发芽。

    Light , temperature and their interactions had significant effect on germination of nondormant seeds .

  20. 旨在通过打破种子休眠,提高种子萌发率和接种率,为锁阳人工驯化栽培提供技术保障和理论依据。

    The purpose is enhancing the germination and vaccination rate of C. songaricum by breaking seed dormancy , as well as providing technical guarantee and theoretical for artificial cultivation of C. songaricum .

  21. 冷藏处理具有打破有活力的种子休眠、促进种子萌发的作用,但它与热水浸泡处理一样,对有活力种子表现出一定的致死作用。

    The cold stratification treatment can break the dormancy of viable Calligonum seeds and increased the germination , but it has a little lethal effect on viable seeds probably as well as the boiling water treatments .

  22. 野生樱桃李的种壳和种皮不同程度抑制种子萌发,去除种壳可使萌发日提前,同时去除种壳和种皮,可立即解除种子休眠,使种子萌发率达到78%;

    The endocarp and seed-coat inhibit the germination in different degree , the stratification time of the seeds without endocarp was ahead of schedule , both removing the endocarp and seed-coat could break the dormancy immediately , the percentage of the germination reached 78 % ;

  23. 休眠的黑核桃种子GA3含量较低,ABA含量最高;

    The dormant seed contained lower level of GA 3 and high ABA .

  24. 50MeV/u碳离子辐照休眠和萌发春麦种子的M1代比较

    Comparison between m_1 generation of resting seed and sprout seed of spring wheat irradiated by 50mev / u ~ ( 12 ) C ion beams

  25. 种子无休眠期,新鲜种子发芽率高达(94±6.0)%;

    It suggested that seed expressed no dormancy stage , and the germination rate of fresh seed was as high as ( 94 ± 6.0 ) % .

  26. 遗传因子和休眠特性是影响种子贮藏寿命的内在因素,不同物种或不同品种之间由于遗传因子和休眠特性的不同,耐贮性差异显著。

    Genetic factor and dormancy characteristic are inherent factors to influence the seed longevity . During to different genetics factor and dormancy characteristic between different species or varieties , the seed storability are different .

  27. 对一些属综合休眠类型的植物种子,则采用综合法来解除休眠较单一方法效果显著。

    And chemical treatment such as hormones , organic and inorganic chemicals , and using the comprehensive methods to break dormancy is more effective than a mono-treatment for those seeds that induced dormancy by complicated factors .

  28. 综述了种子蛋白质与蛋白质组的研究,主要介绍了种子发育与形成、种子休眠与萌发、种子保存与活力以及种子与环境相互作用的蛋白质与蛋白质组的研究。

    This paper reviews the progress in research on seed proteins and proteomes in relation to seed development and formation , dormancy and germination , seed preservation and seed vigor , and the interaction between seeds and the environment .

  29. 种皮和胚乳的结构使种子吸水缓慢;种子成熟后,又经过了一个生理休眠过程,使种子进入休眠状态;种子中含有萌发抑制物质影响了种子的萌发。

    The structure of seed coat and endosperm make the seed water absorption slowly . Seeds go into dormant after a physiological process which takes place after seed maturity . Inhibit germination material are contained in the seed , which affect the seeds germination .

  30. 本研究通过休眠和非休眠节瓜种子的提取液对大白菜种子发芽的抑制试验,休眠节瓜种子剥除种皮发芽试验初步确定节瓜种子休眠的主要原因是种皮中含有发芽抑制物质。

    Germination tests in which heading Chinese cabbage seeds were inhibited by extraction of dormant and non-dormant Chieh-qua seeds and seed coats of dormant Chieh-qua seeds were removed were conducted to determine dormancy mechanism .