
  • 网络Iberian ham;Jamon Iberico
  1. 葡悦是一个具有创新意识的西班牙精品葡萄酒和西班牙优质伊比利亚火腿服务商。

    PALACIO is an innovative company with an undeniable personality whom presents the extremely elegant wines and the best Iberian Ham from Spain .

  2. 美国有关方面最近终于允许进口伊比利亚火腿。至此,一个潜在的巨大市场终于向这种西班牙传统美食敞开了大门。

    The US has finally given the go-ahead for Spain to export one of its great food delicacies , Iberian ham , opening up a potentially huge market .

  3. 去年,中国最大的金融和工业集团公司之一复兴国际入股了5J的母公司,5J是西班牙顶级伊比利亚火腿品牌之一,其总部位于哈武戈。

    Last year , Fosun , one of China 's largest financial and industrial conglomerates , bought a stake in the parent company of Cinco Jotas , one of Spain 's top brands of Ib é rico ham , which is based in Jabugo .

  4. 由于对猪肉类产品的热爱与收入的增加,中国人兴致勃勃地进入了伊比利亚火腿的市场。

    With a passion for pork products and rising incomes , the Chinese have entered the market for Iberico hams with gusto .

  5. 很多人知道,我从国外回到俄罗斯时,手提包里总是塞满了伊比利亚火腿、布里干酪和帕尔马干酪。

    Returning to Russia from abroad , I 've been known to stick copious amounts of jam ó n , Brie and Parmesan in my handbag .

  6. 世人对西班牙伊比利亚火腿的追求在今日益发热烈,特别是那些对自家出产的食物有安全顾虑的中国顾客。

    Today , Spain 's Ib é rico hams are increasingly sought after worldwide , particularly among Chinese consumers concerned about the safety of their own homegrown food .

  7. 本文介绍了西班牙伊比利亚火腿的猪种、猪的饲养方式、加工过程、近年来的新发展以及其风味的形成。

    This article introduced the Iberian ham , the breed and rearing method of the pig , manufacturing process , recent developments and the formation of its flavor .

  8. 因着对猪肉类产品的热爱与收入的增加,中国人津津有味地进入了伊比利亚火腿的市场,即使他们得为了这些西班牙火腿付出比美国市场还要再稍高的价钱。

    With a passion for pork products , and rising incomes , the Chinese have entered the market for Ib é rico hams with gusto , even while paying slightly more for Spanish ham than prices set for the American market .

  9. 直到大约十年前,伊比利亚火腿在美国还一直被禁,因为他们担心存在猪瘟隐患,也对那种传统腌制方法存有疑虑。而且即使到今天,也只有为数不多的西班牙屠宰场被允许向美国出口猪肉产品。

    Ib é rico ham was banned in the United States until about a decade ago over concerns about swine fever and traditional curing methods , and even today just a handful of Spanish slaughterhouses have been authorized to export to the United States .