
  • 网络miro;Milo;Mir;Joan Miro;Mirow
  1. 从米罗。兰巴迪的手稿中。

    From a manuscript belonging to Milo rambaldi .

  2. 和米罗。兰巴迪合作过的人。

    That Milo rambaldi ever collaborated with .

  3. 伦敦画廊也不断扩张、忙于变换展场:维多利亚•米罗画廊(VictoriaMiro)重回伦敦西区(WestEnd),在苏富比拍卖行正后面的圣乔治街(StGeorge’sStreet)上另外开设了展场。

    London galleries are expanding and moving : Victoria Miro is returning to the West End , taking on an extra space in St George 's Street , right behind Sotheby 's.

  4. 米罗(JoanMiró)对自然、现实总是保持愉悦的心情,他超脱现实,用天真无邪的眼睛看世界。

    Joan Mir ó always kept in a joyful state of mind towards nature and reality , and kept aloof from reality . He observed the world with his innocent and pure eyes .

  5. 中午有一个米罗作品展览的开幕式。

    Opening of a Miro exhibit at the museum at noon .

  6. 大卫又从米罗以里,周围筑墙。

    And David built round about from Millo and inward .

  7. 一个叫米罗。兰巴迪的人。

    A man named Milo rambaldi .

  8. 画中的色彩是为了使你下意识地想起旁边米罗的作品。

    The colours used in the painting are meant to subconsciously remind you of the Miro painting nearby .

  9. 米罗画廊说“把一切事情安排妥当后”方会正式公布开张消息。

    The gallery said that it was " waiting to tie up things " before making an announcement .

  10. 在知名的雕塑藏品中则有《萨莫特拉斯的胜利女神》和《米罗的维纳斯》。

    Among the well-known sculptures in the collection are the Winged Victory of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo .

  11. 约阿施的臣仆起来背叛,在下悉拉的米罗宫那里将他杀了。

    His officials conspired against him and assassinated him at Beth Millo , on the road down to Silla .

  12. 大卫又从米罗起,四围建筑城墙,其余的是约押修理。

    And he built the city all around from the Millo in complete circuit , and Joab repaired the rest of the city .

  13. 米罗藉由记忆,想像,还有非理性的激发,创造了与超现实主义类似的视觉效果。

    Mir drew on memory , fantasy , and the irrational to create works of art that are visual analogues of Surrealist poetry .

  14. 不然,愿火从亚比米勒发出,烧灭示剑人和米罗众人;

    But if not , let fire come out from Abimelech , and devour the men of Shechem , and the house of Millo ;

  15. 法老的女儿从大卫城搬到所罗门为他建造的宫里。那时,所罗门才建造米罗。

    After pharaoh 's daughter had come up from the city of David to the palace Solomon had built for her , he constructed the supporting terraces .

  16. 示剑所有的居民和米罗全家一同聚集,往示剑柱子的橡树旁,立亚比米勒为王。

    Then all the Lords of Shechem and all the house of Millo gathered , and they went and made Abimelech king at the terebinth of the pillar that was in shechem .

  17. 2017年1月,德国天气持续恶劣,在梅克伦堡-西波美拉尼亚州北部,韦森贝格和米罗之间的火车线路上,一个雪人引起了恐慌。

    As inclement weather continued to bear down on Germany in January 2017 , a snowman caused panic on a train line between Wesenberg and Mirow in the northern state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania .

  18. 现代西方艺术的奠基人如毕加索、克利、米罗等均受到原始艺术的影响,从中吸取营养,激发创作灵感。

    The foundation of western modem art , for instance , Picasso , Kelly , Miro , etc. were influence by primitive art . They draw nutrition from it , that aroused their inspirations of creation .

  19. 所罗门王挑取服苦的人,是为建造耶和华的殿,自己的宫,米罗,耶路撒冷的城墙,夏琐,米吉多,并基色。

    Here is the account of the forced labor King Solomon conscripted to build the Lord 's temple , his own palace , the supporting terraces , the wall of Jerusalem , and Hazor , Megiddo and Gezer .

  20. 米罗表示,促进非洲各国本国债券市场的发展,是确保这些国家不会突然发现自己陷入了依赖贷款者的新境地的一种方式。

    Promoting national bond markets in Africa , Mr Mirow said , is a way to ensure that these countries do not suddenly find themselves in a new situation of dependence vis - à - vis a lender .

  21. 我害怕失去我所重视的东西,但无论是米罗,冰河还是艾尔扎克又或者是我的各位同伴们,我的世界始终是不稳定的。

    I 'm afraid of losting something important , but no matter Milo , Hyoga or Isaac , even all my friends , my life is unstable , no one around me can escape from the fate of fighting to death .

  22. 所有的目光都聚集在那小阳台,等着,看着,不知道谁会出现,可能是一位受人喜爱的,米兰红衣主教学者,美国波士顿的阿米罗,第一位加拿大教皇,第一位现代非洲人,接下来会是谁?

    All eyes on that small balcony , waiting , watching , wondering who would emerge , a favorite , Cardinal Scholar of Milan perhaps , an American O'Mellio of Boston , the first Canadian Pope , the first modern African , who would be ?