
  • 网络Cis;corporate identity system;corporation identity system;corporate identify system
  1. 企业形象识别系统(CIS)就是结合现代设计观念与企业管理理论的整体性运作,以刻画企业的个性,突出企业的精神,使消费者产生深刻的认同感而达成促销目的的设计系统。

    Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) is a design system for sales promotion . By combining the modern design idea with corporation management theory , it represents the character and spirit of the corporation , and make consumers feel deeply identify with it .

  2. 通过对企业形象识别系统结构与功能的分析,提出了创建原则,并依系统工程原理对企业形象识别系统的构成要素优化作了分析。

    This paper analyses the structure and functions of corporate identity system ( CIS ) proposes the principle of establishment and makes an optimum analyses of the constituentes of CIS according to the principle of systematic engineering .

  3. 大学形象识别系统(UIS)由企业形象识别系统(CIS)转化而来。

    University Identity System ( UIS ) is transforms by Corporation Identity System ( CIS ) .

  4. 自我国在80年代引入CIS(CorporateIdentitySystem,企业形象识别系统)以来,从一开始的CI大潮走到今天,经历了很漫长曲折的道路,有得有失。

    Coming today , since the importing of CIS ( Corporate Identity System ) in 1980s , the development of the Cl 's great tide in China has passed through a long and flectional road , and there 's success and failure .

  5. 本文借助CIS(企业形象识别系统)模式,提出高校进行形象塑造的基本框架&UIS(高校形象识别系统)。

    This article brings forward the basic framework of universities by the help of CIS ( Corporation Identifying System ) pattern to figure a good impression & " UIS "( University Identifying System ) .

  6. 分析了企业形象识别系统(CIS)在现代工业设计中的价值,导入消费者满意度(CSI)理念并与CIS有机结合形成更具实效性的CIS理念与方法,以适应现代市场经济的需求。

    The paper analyzes the valve of the corporation identity system ( CIS ); combining customers'satisfaction index ( CSI ) with CIS make the idea and method of CIS even more modern and effective in order to meet the demand for modern market economy .

  7. 企业形象识别系统的创建

    A study on the Establishment of Corporate Identity System

  8. 基于消费者满意度理念的企业形象识别系统

    Corporation Identity System Based on Customer Satisfaction Index

  9. 个性化企业形象识别系统设计

    Design of Recognition System in Individuality Enterprise Image

  10. 我自己的工作室为众多位于欧洲的公司和组织机构设计了商标和企业形象识别系统。

    From my own studio I was designing brands and Corporate Identity programs for companies and organizations in Europe .

  11. 服装卖场作为企业形象识别系统的重要部分,是产品、形象的最直接展示,对提升品牌的形象起了关键作用。

    The sales fields of the clothing which is one of the important part of CIS ( Corporate Identify System ) and the most directly showing of products , image , have played a key role to promote the brand .

  12. 企业形象与识别系统

    Corporate Image and Identity System

  13. 以当前国内钢铁市场现状为基础,以唐山钢铁股份有限公司实际情况为例证,系统地阐述了塑造企业形象、导入企业识别系统的重要性和实际运做的方法。

    Based on the present situation of domestic iron and steel market and taking the actual condition of Tangshan Iron and Steel Company Limited as example , the importance to import CIS and portray a new business imagery and the method how to do it are stated systematically .

  14. CIS,意为企业形象战略或企业形象识别系统。高校出版社欲摆脱困境与迎接挑战,就必须导入CIS战略。

    CIS means Corporate Identity Strategy , publishing press in higher education institutions must use CIS in order to overcome difficulty and deal with challenge .

  15. 伴随着消费者生活水平和消费观念的转变,越来越多的中国企业注意到引入企业形象识别系统(CIS)战略,树立良好企业形象的重要性。

    With the change of living standard and consumption concept of consumers , more and more Chinese enterprise note that it is important to introduce the strategy of Corporate Identity System ( CIS ) and to establish the good corporate image .

  16. 同时,将企业文化研究成果和企业形象识别系统(CI)理论引入对医院文化的研究,也丰富了企业文化和企业形象识别(CI)系统理论内容,拓展了它们的应用范围。

    At the same time , introducing the results of corporate cultural research and Corporate Identity the study of hospital culture can rich the enterprise culture and Corporate Identity and expand their scope of application .

  17. 绿色企业形象的塑造,往往是通过建立绿色企业形象识别系统,并组织实施来达到目的,而且必须与顾客满意战略、企业核心能力的培育、品牌资产的运营结合起来。

    Shaping green enterprise image needs to set up green enterprise image recognition system , and should be combined with customers satis-factory strategy , development of core competitive advantage and brand assets operation .

  18. 因此,建立、设计、维护企业良好的形象已成为国内大多数企业家普遍关心的问题,建立企业形象识别系统(CIS)成为企业发展壮大、提升影响的必然选择。

    Therefore , designing , building and maintaining a good corporate image has become the most concerned problem . Establishing corporate identity system ( CIS ) is the inevitable choice to development and promoting influence .