
  1. 土种绵羊底绒拉伸仿山羊绒工艺参数的确定

    Determination of processing parameters for cashmere-like native sheep down hair by stretching treatment

  2. 通过分析土种绵羊底绒与山羊绒的主要差异,提出了拉伸处理仿山羊绒改性的机理。

    Comparing the difference of native sheep down hair and cashmere , the modified principle of cashmere-like native sheep down hair by stretching is put forward .

  3. 文章概括地介绍了仿铜录山古冶炼模拟实验的过程和成果。

    This paper describes the process and results of simulating test of the ancient smelting technique at Tonglushan .