
  • 网络Breast hyperplasia;MASTOPLASIA;mammary hyperplasia;Mazoplasia;HDB
  1. 细针吸取活检简单、方便,是乳腺增生症诊断的一种重要方法。

    We suggested that needle biopsy is efficacious method for diagnosis of mammary hyperplasia .

  2. 乳腺增生症的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of mammary hyperplasia

  3. 良性乳腺增生症的cmet蛋白表达为100%,乳腺癌为78.6%。

    In the benign breast hyperplasia , C met expression was 100 % .

  4. 乳腺增生症nm(23)-H1基因表达的定量研究

    Quantitative study of nm_ ( 23 ) - H_ 1 gene expression in fibrocystic disease of breast

  5. PCNA在乳腺增生症中的表达

    Expression of PCNA in the proliferative breast diseases

  6. 目的观察乳块消胶囊和三苯氧胺(TAM)治疗乳腺增生症的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effects of Rukuaixiao capsule and Tamoxifen ( TAM ) for cyclomastopathy .

  7. 结果:积雪草甙能显著降低实验性大鼠乳腺增生症的发生率,抑制乳腺增生程度,调节血清E2和P浓度,改善E2/P比值。

    Results : Asiaticoside can obviously decrease the rate of hypoplasia and inhibit the degree of the hyperplasia , modulate the content of serum E2 and P , and improve the ratio of E2 / P on mastoplasia model in rats .

  8. 结果表明:男性乳腺增生症患者的E2和E2/T与健康者相比明显增高(P<0.05,<0.01);

    The results showed that the levels of E 2 and E 2 / T in the gynecomastia patients were much higher than in the control group ( P < 0 05 , 0 01 );

  9. 为探讨乳腺增生症的细胞增殖活性,利用增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA,PC10)单克隆抗体对80例乳腺增生症进行PCNA表达的研究。

    The expression of proliferative cell nuclear antigen ( PCNA ) was studied by using a monoclonal antibody ( PC10 ) with immunohistochemistry in 80 cases of proliferative breast diseases .

  10. 乳腺增生症病人乳腺健康知识调查分析

    Investigation and analysis on breast health knowledge in patients with cyclomastopathy

  11. 超声检查乳腺增生症误诊14例分析

    The misdiagnosed analysis of ultrasonography in 14 cases with breast hyperplasia

  12. 乳腺增生症声像图表现与病理对照分析

    Contrast Study Between Sonographic Features and Pathological Types of Breast Hyperplasia

  13. 右旋柠烯对实验性乳腺增生症的影响

    Effects of d-limonene on experimental mammary glands hyperplasia in rat

  14. 三苯氧胺治疗乳腺增生症的临床研究

    Clinical study on the treatment of breast hyperplasia by tamoxifen

  15. 男性乳腺增生症患者血浆性激素水平测定

    Determination of Plasma Sex Hormone Levels in the Male Patients with Gynecomastia

  16. 人乳头状瘤病毒16和18型感染与乳腺增生症和乳腺癌的关系

    Relationship between breast disease and human papillomavirus type 16 and type 18

  17. 乳腺增生症增殖细胞核抗原表达的定量研究

    Quantitative study of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in fibrocystic disease of breast

  18. 结论心理疗法配合口服他莫昔芬片治疗乳腺增生症疗效明显。

    Conclusions Psychotherapy combined with tamoxifen has definite effect in treating breast hyperplasia .

  19. 三苯氧胺离子化局部导入与口服治疗乳腺增生症的对比研究

    The Contrast Study of Regional Introducing Tamoxifen Ionization and Oral Administration of Cyclomastopathy

  20. 疏肝补肾散结汤治疗乳腺增生症56例临床观察

    Clinical Studies on Treating Mastopathy with Leading Liver Reinforcing Nephridium and Fading Nodules Decoction

  21. 心理疗法配合药物治疗乳腺增生症325例临床疗效分析

    Clinical Effect of Psychotherapy Combined with Drug Treatment for Breast Hyperplasia in 325 Cases

  22. 慎下乳腺增生症的诊断

    Diagnosis Circumspectly On Mammary Gland Hyperplasia By Ultrasound

  23. 乳癖消联合三苯氧胺治疗乳腺增生症

    Clinical Analysis of Rupixiao Combined with Tamoxifen in the Treatment of Mammary Gland Hyperplasia

  24. 乳腺增生症高频超声及彩色血流与病理学类型对比研究

    Comparative Study of High Frequency Ultrasonography and CDFI with Pathology in Hyperplasia of Breast

  25. 乳增宁胶囊治疗乳腺增生症120例报告

    The report of 120 cases of mammary gland hyperplasia treated by Ru Zeng Nin capsule

  26. 乳腺增生症的声像图特征及鉴别诊断

    Ultrasound Appearance and Differentiation of Breast Hyperplasia

  27. 心理护理干预对乳腺增生症患者心理状态及临床疗效的影响

    Influence of Mental Nursing Intervention on Mental State and Therapeutic Effectiveness of Patients with Cyclomastopathy

  28. 乳腺增生症与焦虑抑郁及婚姻质量的相关研究

    Study on relationship between hyperplasia of mammary gland and anxiety , depression , marriage quality

  29. 乳腺增生症是一种常见病、多发病。

    Disease of mammary gland hyperplasia is a kind of common disease , frequently-occurring disease .

  30. 平消胶囊治疗乳腺增生症100例疗效评价

    Evaluation for the Curative Effective of Ping Xiao Capsule in Treating 100 Cares of mammoplasia