
Instead , the Dodd-Frank Act will limit the flow of credit to all but the largest and safest borrowers .
The firm itself is shrinking in the wake of Dodd-Frank legislation , a spate of partners left this year , and shares have lost about 25 % since Blankfein became the CEO in 2006 .
Earlier this year , Neil Chriss , who runs hedge fund Hutchin hill , said in a Bloomberg interview that he was looking to profit by buying up positions that the large banks might be forced to exit because of Dodd-Frank banking reforms .
Dodd-Frank now requires financial firms listed on an exchange to have some sort of clawback provision or risk being delisted .
In fact , Dodd-Frank was reportedly one of the reasons some hedge funds got into the trade in the first place .
So far , though , clawbacks on the street are a rarity , but more cases are expected to float to the surface thanks to Dodd-Frank .
Part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act , the rule would be prohibited a bank merger of new company ' liabilities exceed 10 % aggregate consolidated liabilities of all financial companies .
It may be that the sports world is in need of its own version of Dodd-Frank , the financial regulatory reform bill , which aims , in part , to root out Wall Street cheats .
Dodd-Frank was supposed to move the risky business of Wall Street out of the really large banks that have federally insured deposits , and , oh yeah , an implied backing from the government , and into hedge funds .
Adding another 800 pages to Dodd-Frank Act would probably not solve the problem .
Heavier regulation means companies need compliance teams that are well-versed in complex laws , including Dodd-Frank and the consumer protection act .
In the original Dodd-Frank legislation , the rule was ten pages long .
Some argue that both the US Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III capital requirements have now ended US bail-outs .
A year later he signed the Dodd-Frank bill , which subjects financial firms to tougher regulation .
The Dodd-Frank act , which contains a raft of new rules and restrictions , will start to bite next year .
Wall Street has resisted efforts to reform the trading of derivatives since the signing of the Dodd Frank act in 2010 .
Provisions to reform these markets were part of the Dodd-Frank act passed by the US Congress following the 2008 financial crisis .
It is going to take years to address the unprecedented complexity of final rulemaking required in the massive Dodd-Frank bill .
If policies such as Dodd-Frank or the affordable care act do become law , they lack broad support , and the next Congress sets about dismantling them .
Plus , Dodd-Frank legislation requires suppliers to document where their metals come from , adding as much as 2 % to the final cost , says Kay Nimmo of the tin & tantalum supply chain initiative .
The US Dodd-Frank Act pushes for NDFs to move away from the clubby , phone-brokered market and on to more transparent electronic trading platforms .
But Buffett does says that Dodd-Frank and other new regulations have lowered the returns banks can generate .
He notes that the 1933 US Glass-Steagall Act ran to 37 pages , while the 2010 Dodd-Frank act is likely to generate nearly 30000 pages of rules .
It took a 14,999,999 % pay increase to finally put the " say on pay " regulations in the Dodd-Frank bank reform to the test on Wall Street .
And Dodd-Frank and other regulations are making it tougher for banks to generate a lot of income from trading .
New US rules part of the Dodd-Frank act are poised to force banks to disclose the differential between the pay of a chief executive and that of the average employee .
Republicans in the house of representatives have recently begun an initiative to repeal the part of the Dodd-Frank law that gives the FDIC resolution authority .
The Durbin amendment tucked into the Dodd-Frank act specifically excluded prepaid cards from its limits on how much banks can charge for processing debit card transactions , because they serve the low-income market .
In July 2010 , the US passed the Dodd-Frank act , which requires all oil , mining and gas companies registered in the us to report payments to foreign governments , both by country and by project .
The proposal stems from the Dodd-Frank law , which ordered US regulators to remove references to credit ratings because of their inadequacies and conflicts of interest highlighted during the financial crisis .