
  1. 可事实上,《多德弗兰克法案》(Dodd-FrankAct)偏偏将那些规模最大且最安全的借款者限制在信贷流动之外。

    Instead , the Dodd-Frank Act will limit the flow of credit to all but the largest and safest borrowers .

  2. 多德弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank)后,高盛业务收缩,今年大批合伙人离职,自2006年布兰克费恩出任首席执行官以来,高盛股价已跌去约25%。

    The firm itself is shrinking in the wake of Dodd-Frank legislation , a spate of partners left this year , and shares have lost about 25 % since Blankfein became the CEO in 2006 .

  3. 今年早些时候,经营HutchinHill对冲基金的尼尔•克里斯在接受彭博社(Bloomberg)采访时表示,大银行可能会因为多德弗兰克法案的实施而退出一些头寸,他希望买入这些头寸获利。

    Earlier this year , Neil Chriss , who runs hedge fund Hutchin hill , said in a Bloomberg interview that he was looking to profit by buying up positions that the large banks might be forced to exit because of Dodd-Frank banking reforms .

  4. 多德弗兰克法案如今要求在某个交易所上市的金融公司设定某种形式的追回条款,否则可能被迫退市。

    Dodd-Frank now requires financial firms listed on an exchange to have some sort of clawback provision or risk being delisted .

  5. 实际上,多德弗兰克法案据称是一些对冲基金进入此项交易的一个首要原因。

    In fact , Dodd-Frank was reportedly one of the reasons some hedge funds got into the trade in the first place .

  6. 迄今为止,华尔街追回非法收入的现象仍然很罕见,但归功于多德弗兰克法案,预计越来越多类似的案例将浮出水面。

    So far , though , clawbacks on the street are a rarity , but more cases are expected to float to the surface thanks to Dodd-Frank .

  7. 作为2010年签署的多德弗兰克法案的一部分,这项措施可能将禁止银行从事或导致其持有的负债超过所有金融机构负债10%这个门槛的收购。

    Part of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act , the rule would be prohibited a bank merger of new company ' liabilities exceed 10 % aggregate consolidated liabilities of all financial companies .

  8. 或许体育界同样也需要自己的多德弗兰克法案,这是一部金融监管改革法案,部分目的在于扫除华尔街的舞弊现象。

    It may be that the sports world is in need of its own version of Dodd-Frank , the financial regulatory reform bill , which aims , in part , to root out Wall Street cheats .

  9. 多德弗兰克法案本意是要将华尔街的高风险业务从大银行转移到对冲基金;大银行有联邦政府担保的存款以及政府暗里的支持。

    Dodd-Frank was supposed to move the risky business of Wall Street out of the really large banks that have federally insured deposits , and , oh yeah , an implied backing from the government , and into hedge funds .

  10. 即使多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-FrankAct)再多800页内容大概也于事无补。

    Adding another 800 pages to Dodd-Frank Act would probably not solve the problem .

  11. 加强监管,意味着公司需要通晓复杂法规【包括多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank)和消费者保护法案(ConsumerProtectionAct)】的合规团队。

    Heavier regulation means companies need compliance teams that are well-versed in complex laws , including Dodd-Frank and the consumer protection act .

  12. 在原版的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Franklegislation)中,沃尔克规则只有10页,可美国货币监理署(OCC)公布的最新版本有298页,涵盖了400个主题的1300多个问题。

    In the original Dodd-Frank legislation , the rule was ten pages long .

  13. 一些人辩称,美国的多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-FrankAct)与《巴塞尔协议III》(BaselIII)的资本金要求如今已结束了美国的救助之旅。

    Some argue that both the US Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III capital requirements have now ended US bail-outs .

  14. 一年后,他签署了让金融机构接受更严格监管的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frankbill)。

    A year later he signed the Dodd-Frank bill , which subjects financial firms to tougher regulation .

  15. 明年,包含大量新规戒律的《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)将开始生效。

    The Dodd-Frank act , which contains a raft of new rules and restrictions , will start to bite next year .

  16. 自2010年《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)签署以来,华尔街一直拒绝接受旨在改革衍生品交易的种种努力。

    Wall Street has resisted efforts to reform the trading of derivatives since the signing of the Dodd Frank act in 2010 .

  17. 2008年金融危机之后,美国国会通过了《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact),其中就含有对上述市场进行改革的条款。

    Provisions to reform these markets were part of the Dodd-Frank act passed by the US Congress following the 2008 financial crisis .

  18. 要对付庞大的多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frankbill)所要求的最终规则制定的空前复杂性,将需要多年时间。

    It is going to take years to address the unprecedented complexity of final rulemaking required in the massive Dodd-Frank bill .

  19. 即使《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)和《平价医疗法案》(affordablecareact)等政策获得通过,成为法律,它们仍缺乏广泛的支持,下一届国会仍会计划废除它们。

    If policies such as Dodd-Frank or the affordable care act do become law , they lack broad support , and the next Congress sets about dismantling them .

  20. 此外,据调研公司Tin&TantalumSupplyChainInitiative的凯•尼莫称,美国的多德-弗兰克法案要求供应商记录金属的产地,将导致其最终成本上升多达2%。

    Plus , Dodd-Frank legislation requires suppliers to document where their metals come from , adding as much as 2 % to the final cost , says Kay Nimmo of the tin & tantalum supply chain initiative .

  21. 美国的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-FrankAct)力求推动NDF离开通过电话撮合交易的较封闭市场,转而登陆更加透明的电子交易平台。

    The US Dodd-Frank Act pushes for NDFs to move away from the clubby , phone-brokered market and on to more transparent electronic trading platforms .

  22. 但巴菲特的确表示,多德-弗兰克法案(Dodd-Frank)和其他一些新的监管措施降低了银行业可能产生的回报。

    But Buffett does says that Dodd-Frank and other new regulations have lowered the returns banks can generate .

  23. 他指出,1933年出台的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(glass-steagallact)只有37页,而2010年的《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)可能会带来近3万页的规定。

    He notes that the 1933 US Glass-Steagall Act ran to 37 pages , while the 2010 Dodd-Frank act is likely to generate nearly 30000 pages of rules .

  24. 直到花旗集团(Citigroup)CEO潘伟迪薪酬上涨4999999%,华尔街才终于迎来了检验多德-弗兰克法案中“薪酬话语权”条例的时刻。

    It took a 14,999,999 % pay increase to finally put the " say on pay " regulations in the Dodd-Frank bank reform to the test on Wall Street .

  25. 而且《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-Frank)等监管规定增加了银行通过交易赚取大量利润的难度。

    And Dodd-Frank and other regulations are making it tougher for banks to generate a lot of income from trading .

  26. 作为《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)的一部分,美国的新规定将迫使银行披露首席执行官和普通员工薪酬的差异。

    New US rules part of the Dodd-Frank act are poised to force banks to disclose the differential between the pay of a chief executive and that of the average employee .

  27. 最近,美国一些共和党众议员呼吁取消多德-弗兰克法案中给予FDIC破产清算授权的内容。

    Republicans in the house of representatives have recently begun an initiative to repeal the part of the Dodd-Frank law that gives the FDIC resolution authority .

  28. 在关于银行对借记卡交易的收费限制方面,多德•弗兰克法案》(Dodd-FrankAct)之《德斌修正案》(TheDurbinAmendment)特别将预付费公司排除在外,因为它们面对的是低收入市场。

    The Durbin amendment tucked into the Dodd-Frank act specifically excluded prepaid cards from its limits on how much banks can charge for processing debit card transactions , because they serve the low-income market .

  29. 2010年7月,美国通过了《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact),规定在美国登记的石油、矿业和天然气公司必须按国家和项目报告对外国政府的付款。

    In July 2010 , the US passed the Dodd-Frank act , which requires all oil , mining and gas companies registered in the us to report payments to foreign governments , both by country and by project .

  30. 这项提议源自《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frank),根据该法案,鉴于信用评级在金融危机中表现出的种种缺陷和利益冲突,美国的监管部门应停止参考信用评级。

    The proposal stems from the Dodd-Frank law , which ordered US regulators to remove references to credit ratings because of their inadequacies and conflicts of interest highlighted during the financial crisis .