
  1. 这个观点被一个美国记者ThomasFriedman的著作《世界是平的》大为推广。

    The concept was popularised by an American journalist , Thomas Friedman , in his book " The World is Flat " .

  2. 全球化以及“世界是平的”(worldisflat)潮流带来的意料之外的后果之一,是投资者的确开始(虽然较为缓慢)低估自由的价值,用相对而非绝对的标准来看待完全不同的政治制度。

    One of the unintended consequences of the globalisation and " world is flat " movements is that investors have slowly but surely started to discount the value of freedom , viewing disparate political systems in relative rather than absolute terms .

  3. 或许托马斯&12539;弗里德曼(ThomasFriedman)会幻想世界是平的,但我们的社会却按财富、权势、教育、地位、肤色等要素把人分作三六九等。

    Thomas Friedman may have hallucinations of a flat world but ours is vertical based on money , influence , education , caste , skin color , and the list goes on .

  4. 方便与快捷地球是圆的,世界是平的。

    Convenience and Efficiency The earth is round and the world is flat .

  5. 我要去找《世界是平的》。

    I gotta find The World Is Flat .

  6. 你看,前面写了“世界是平的”

    Look , he has got " the world is flat " on his forehead

  7. 我们生活的这个时代,世界是平的。

    It is the most important character of this time that the world is flat .

  8. 即便我早就知道世界是平的,却也没想到竟然有这么平。

    Even I-who knew the world was flat-I didn 't know it was that flat .

  9. 售货员:《世界是平的》?

    Salesman : The World Is Flat ?

  10. 音乐的世界是平的

    The music world is flat

  11. 世界是平的

    The World is Flat

  12. 丹尼尔:我爸爸让我给他买本书,《世界是平的》。

    Daniel : My dad asked me to get a book for him , The World Is Flat .

  13. 正是现时的全球经济,这就是托马斯·弗里德曼所说的“世界是平的”。

    is the whole emerging economies of the world , which Thomas Friedman so correctly called the " flat world . "

  14. 世界是平的:无论是奥巴马还是本拉登,无论是患者,还是医者,人格是平等的;

    The The world is flat : Whether Obama or Laden , whether patients or doctors , the personality are equal ;

  15. 泊洛克:戴维斯说他的灵感来自于数年前阅读的由托马斯·弗莱德曼所著的《世界是平的》一书。

    Pollock : Davis says he got the idea a few years ago while reading The World Is Flat by Thomas Freidman .

  16. 全球化时代世界是平的,杭州商务地产市场终将被纳入全球竞争平台。

    Flat as the world in the globalization era , Hangzhou Commercial Real Estate Market is destined to merge into the global competition platform .

  17. 因为这个世界是平的,所以无论你在哪里都可以轻松地,找到这些人和这些活动的分布状况。

    And because the world is I quote flat , you can easily , no matter where you are , access these people and these spikes .

  18. 我早就知道所有人都密不可分,也知道世界是平的,但我真正学到的是,世界竟然已变得这么平。

    I knew we were intertwined , I knew the world was flat , but what I 've really learned is just how flat it 's become .

  19. 基本上,按佛雷德里曼在《世界是平的》中指出:当谈到技术,美国已经对中国只能零技术优势了。

    Basically , as Friedman has well noted , the world is flat when it comes to technology and the US has ZERO technology advantage over the Chinese .

  20. 最能适应「世界是平的」之国家、公司、个人,将分享全球化竞争的机会和财富。

    States , enterprises , and individuals who can best adapt to the the world is flat doctrine can partake in the opportunities and wealth of competitive global economy .

  21. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:你也知道,我写了一本书叫做《世界是平的》,现在我要道歉:我搞错了。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : Well , you know , I wrote a book called The World Is Flat , and I wanna now apologize-I got it wrong .

  22. 《世界是平的》一书的作者托马斯•弗里德曼,以及曾在美国总统比尔•克林顿时期担任商务部副部长的罗伯特•夏皮罗等众多专家均高度肯定中国的对外开放。

    Writers such as Thomas Friedman , author of The World Is Flat , and Robert Shapiro , former US undersecretary of commerce under President Bill Clinton , have spoken highly of our efforts to open up .

  23. 正如一位学者所言:世界可能是平的,但也会有一些凸起。

    As one scholar has put it : the world may be flat , but it also has some spikes .

  24. 古时候世界被认为是平的。

    In ancient times the world was conceived of as flat .

  25. 如果世界真的是平的,跨越国界的国外直接投资在全球投资中所占比例将远高于目前仅有的10%。

    If the world were truly flat , foreign direct investment , which passes across borders , would account for a far greater percentage of global investment than the mere 10 % which it currently represents .

  26. 他的主要兴趣领域是全球化,而且他主要的论点就是:这个世界不是平面的这直接与托马斯弗里德曼(一位纽约时报专栏作家)的超级畅销书:《世界是平的》相矛盾。

    His main area of interest is globalisation ( see article ) , and his main thesis is that the world is not flat-in direct contradiction to the hugely bestselling book by Thomas Friedman , a New York Times columnist , called " the world is flat " .