
  1. 计算机软件保护条例加入时。

    Regulations for the protection of computer software upon accession .

  2. 这期间引起了中国新《计算机软件保护条例》立法的争议。

    Among this , it comes up with the dispute of Chinese new " computer software protection ordinance " .

  3. 我国目前仅在《计算机软件保护条例》中对思想与表达两分法原则进行了规定,而著作权法却没有确立这一原则。

    The definition of the principle can only be found in the Protection Byelaw of Computer Software in China , while it is not established in the law of copyright .

  4. 文章结合我国2001年《计算机软件保护条例》,对计算机软件最终用户责任问题进行了历史考察,进而对条例新的修改内容作出现状评析。

    This article makes historical review on the problem with analyses and comments on China 's Regulations for Computer Software Protection issued in 2001 in terms of the revised articles and the current situation .

  5. 软件盗版是目前我国最严重的软件侵权行为,而我国新版《计算机软件保护条例》关于软件最终用户的法律责任问题的规定在理论界存在着较大的争议。

    Practices of pirate software are the most severe acts of tort , however , our newly made regulation of software meets with conflicts in the definition of legal responsibility in the theoretical world .

  6. 新《计算机软件保护条例》将计算机软件的侵权界限延伸到最终用户,引起了广泛关注。

    Being defined in the new Regulation of Computer Software Protection , coming into force on January 1 , 2002 , the liability of infringement by end user on computer software has drawn great attention .

  7. 再次,在职务作品某些著作权的规定上与相关司法解释与行政法规(例如《计算机软件保护条例》等)存在冲突,客观上形成了法律漏洞。

    Thirdly , there is a shortage objectively exist in law because there are contradictions between the stipulations of copyright and the judicial interpretations and administrative rules ( such as Regulations for the Protection of Computer Software , etc ) .

  8. 计算机软件的版权保护&《计算机软件保护条例》引发的法律思考

    Copyright Protection of Computer Software ── Reflections on Rules for Computer Software Protection

  9. 我国已经加入了世贸组织,对计算机软件版权的保护基本符合TRIPS协议的要求,修订后的《著作权法》和《计算机软件保护条例》再次明确了我国采用版权法保护软件的立场。

    Our country , being a member of the World Trade Organization , basically conform to the TRIPS requirement to the computer software copyright protection , and makes it clear that our country protect the software with copyright .