
美 [ˌwel ədˈvaɪzd]英 [ˌwel ədˈvaɪzd]
  • adj.明智的;稳妥的


having the benefit of careful prior consideration or counsel
a well-advised delay in carrying out the plan
Synonym: advised


  1. She would be well-advised to have a medical check up as soon as possible .


  2. She had been well-advised , now it 's time to take a legal action against her .


  3. We should let ourselves believe , oneself made well-advised choice , and without doubt , find oneself is good .


  4. A well-advised landlord is hardly likely to agree to this clause .


  5. In this way , it help you becoming more mature , well-advised and less quarrel in interpersonal relationships .


  6. Can say , give yourself enterprise filming promo , is the enterprise is the most well-advised choice .


  7. Organisations would be well-advised to ensure they have such talented individuals in their workforce rising through the ranks sooner rather than later .


  8. Quanzhou is well-advised to make full preparations for the city marketing so that it can get rid of the current dilemma and go on its way of fast development .


  9. " The rules of the game have changed , and you would be well-advised to sharpen your act " by getting some speech training , Evans says .


  10. He would be well-advised to keep quiet , otherwise I really will get mad and that will not be pleasant for him , Hoeness said .


  11. However , Washington would be well-advised to at least let the Asians do business with the RFE rather than pressuring them into joining Western anti-Russia sanctions .


  12. But understand this , because your future might very well depend on it : If you want to survive in this economy , you 'd be well-advised to learn how to speak computer code .


  13. He spoke of a substantial backlash also against Iran 's support of radical Shiite militias , and said Tehran would be well-advised to reconsider its behavior toward its neighbor :


  14. As for the well-advised attitude to the positivism and objectivism which was reflected repeatedly by the contrast about two world , it was more sufficient and specific expression about Life-Word .


  15. Savvy and well-advised authors , often helped by agents , will be able to buy editing and marketing skills with the receipts from a much larger share of the sales proceeds than the traditional royalty model allows .


  16. Whether or not the page has really been turned depends on the construction of a practical successor to free-market economics , a process that entrenched interests in America and Britain would be well-advised to encourage if they wish to remain centre stage .
