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  • 网络战争设计工程
  1. Based on future scenario , WDE designs future strategies , which impact current development of tactics and equipment .


  2. As one of the four integrations in WDE , qualitative and quantitative integration analysis provides technique supports for other integrations , which is reflected in the framework .


  3. Please understand that wde are unable to make you an offer .


  4. Compared to the general developing method of the SCA waveforms , the method based on the waveform development environment ( WDE ) can greatly improve the developing efficiency of SCA waveforms .


  5. Through the design of strategies for gaining mastery of the air , the basic process of the analyzing method for integrating qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis in WDE is illustrated in a global view .


  6. The coordination tasks and methods in WDE are analyzed , the expert group argumentation model is developed , and the coordination process is investigated for system engineers to control experts through the argumentation model .


  7. The developed components can extend the OSSIE component library to a certain extent which may facilitate the other waveform development in the future , and this work can also have some inspiration and reference to the follow-up study on WDE .
