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  • 网络战争游戏
  1. For some historical reasons , Chinese military have never studied on wargames .


  2. Wargames is the simulation of war , it is an edge tool to research on war .


  3. Reagan 's screening of " WarGames " brought Mr. Ware 's concerns into high policy-making circles for the first time .


  4. According to the online-wargaming requirement , the dynamic reconfiguration mechanism of model-oriented composable wargames is studied .


  5. Effect-Based Operations ( EBO ) is an important part of current concepts of operations in military missions , and need to be an integral part of current generation wargames .


  6. No , we 're not talking about a scene out of the movie " WarGames , " we 're talking an all-out attack on a nation 's electronic infrastructure .


  7. Movies rarely influence public policy , but Washington 's policies on cyberattacks , computer surveillance and the possibility of cyberwarfare were directly influenced by the 1983 box-office hit " WarGames . "


  8. On this base , we make an investigation on the system requirement and establish the conceptual framework of wargames , which is a four-layered architecture . Then we illuminate functions provided by each layer , and identify key technologies needed to be solved in the framework .


  9. It 's fitting that the scenario of " WarGames " - which aroused Reagan 's curiosity and led to the first national policy on reducing the vulnerability of computers - owed a crucial debt to the man who 'd first warned that they were vulnerable .
