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  • 网络片上系统;系统芯片;抑制因子;细胞因子信号转导抑制因子;细胞因子信号抑制因子
  1. The Progresses of Research on SOCS Family in the Central Nervous System


  2. Developing a reliable SOCS becomes an urgent issue for Bank of China .


  3. The Role of SOCS in the Regulation of Growth Hormone on Lipid Metabolism of Mice


  4. The results demonstrated that subjects with a high SOCS level had the lowest stress cognitive appraisement .


  5. It was became an important issue that how the long-term operation reliability of complicated SoCs is evaluated .


  6. Now the embedded processors have been the central part of SoCs ( System on a Chip ) .


  7. Effect of GH and Octreotide on SOCS expressions in diet induced obese mice


  8. An optical model with Hopkins and an approximate algorithm , so-called SOCS algorithm , are presented as well .


  9. An additional configuration that is commonly used in programmable SoCs is to have multiple output dividers .


  10. Basal expression of suppressor of cytokine signaling ( socs - 3 ) in adult rat brain


  11. The pathogenesis of lupus nephritis may also be associated with the down-regulation of SOCS feedback inhibition . 5 .


  12. The evolution analysis illustrated SOCS were clustered by different types which may produce SOCS gene families before speciation of insect .


  13. FPGA is used in a wide rang from the simple interface circuit to the complex FSM , and even in SoCs .


  14. In addition , there must be a provision for cells to be individually charged or discharged to balance their SOCs .


  15. Objective To explore the relationship between SOCS , immune suppression and chlamydial persistence of Chlamydia trachomatis-infected cells .


  16. Embedded SRAM is part of some SoCs , and the area and speed of SRAM is critical for the performance of some systems .


  17. For such Multi-Processor SoCs ( MPSoCs ) with high integration and large complexity , one key issue is the on-chip communication among various cores .


  18. As more and more companies integrate32bit ARM processor into their products , ARM-Core SOCs are appearing in more wide application fields .


  19. Static Random Memory ( SRAM ) as one kind of critical memory is widely used to high-performance microprocessor caches and System-on-Chips ( SoCs ) .


  20. Suppressor of cytokine signaling ( SOCS ) - 3 is a negative regulator of interleukin ( IL ) - 6 signal transduction .


  21. The growing complexity in multi-processor SoCs with various levels of memory , and many different peripherals , creates a demand for a flexible , on-chip interconnect architecture design .


  22. We have previously shown that endotoxin markedly stimulates SOCS gene expression in rat liver , that correlates with observed resistance to growth hormone-signaling during endotoxemia .


  23. The study explored the relationship between sense of coherence and mental health by using the self made Stressors Scale and Sense of Coherence Scale ( SOCS ) in the form of questionnaires .


  24. The latest generation of GPUs in Mobile SoCs are now at or exceeding those of the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 .


  25. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ), a group of ubiquitous semivolatile organic compounds ( SOCs ), are mainly originated from incomplete combustion of fossil fuel and biomass .


  26. Furthermore , these RAM cores usually represent more than one half of the area of the SOC . Therefore , the yield of RAM cores dominates the yield of modern SOCs .


  27. 18 . We acknowledge the important role that State Owned Companies ( SOCs ) play in the economy and encourage our SOCs to explore ways of cooperation , exchange of information and best practices .


  28. Based on 1 ∶ 1 000 000 soil database , and employing the methods of spatial expression , this paper estimated the soil organic carbon storage ( SOCS ) and density ( SOCD ) of China .


  29. In addition , the development of VLSI and SoCs makes metal density problems more complicated . Traditional solution to metal density is to insert dummy fill , to improve the wafer topography after CMP process .


  30. Numbers of cores embedded in SoCs , the limited I / O port resources , the cost of external test equipment , and the limitation of data path lead to the increase of design complexity and test cost .
