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  • 网络同步(synced 是 sync 的过去式和过去分词形式)
  1. At the tip of the stick is a Bluetooth button , which can be synced with your device to activate2 the shutter3 on your camera .


  2. With such a long time between versions , one would think that Microsoft is finally getting everything synced up .


  3. Therefore , the contents and forms of advertising are synced with social culture and public recognitions .


  4. Then the last changes are synced over to the new site and the new site will then be opened to public .


  5. This one is acceptably synced near the end , and the end its self is perfect .


  6. He told the audience that for a long time people had synced all their content with a computer but this process was broken .


  7. By default only Email and Contacts are synced .


  8. Is there a solution that can allow file sharing and keep my files , my wife 's files , and the backup files synced up ?


  9. But once you 've created your sounds and you 've synced them to the image , you want those sounds to live in the world of the story .


  10. To avoid incoming conflicts , the updated properties of an external object should be synced by using the Item Connector client before the Jazz item is updated .


  11. Sharp allegedly tried to delete information that she had synced from her iPhone to her school-issued laptop before handing the computer over to investigators .


  12. All the migrated data is now copied from the NIM master 's local cache file and synced to the client 's alternate rootvg via rsh .


  13. These are automatically synced with places you 've saved and shared via Google Maps on other devices , such as PCs and Macs , or Android phones 。


  14. Ensure that any LPARs with a mirrored rootvg are ( re ) synced before and after each VIOS shutdown / restart .


  15. The main reason for this is that , as I noted last year , its synced calendars and contacts show up in an odd manner in Microsoft Outlook , the most popular calendar and contact program in Windows .


  16. Ministry of education stressed that the construction of the Excellent Course Project is a long-term opened process . And in order to be synced to the teaching pace , it required the content of the course website must improve 10 % at least every year when it finished .


  17. Instead of having to spend three hours each morning transferring images from the telescope to staffers among Finland , Boston and New Mexico , his team of star watchers use Dropbox to keep large photo images from their telescope synced among locations at all times .


  18. To target the Chinese market , they 're planning a 3-D version of ' Transcendence ' to be exclusively released in China , as well as a synced debut with the U.S. on April 18 -- a rare move , given high levels of concern about piracy among studios .
