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  • 网络雪崩光电二极管;脱壳穿甲弹;抗精神病药物;综合征
  1. Determination of overall structural parameters of small caliber APDS


  2. The Study of Sabot-Discarding Mechanism of Gas-Propelled APDS


  3. The Method of Optimal Design about Penetration of APDS in Small Calibre


  4. Design and implementation of angina pectoris diagnosis system APDS


  5. A Pressure Prediction to the Typical Point on the Front Cup of APDS Projectile


  6. We have proposed a method of two APDs in series to cancel the spikes noise .


  7. The Study and Calculation of Gas Filling and Ejecting Characteristics of Gas-propelled APDS


  8. Reliable operation of the aircraft power distribution system ( APDS ) is critical to the flight safety of a plane .


  9. APDS ( Angina Pectoris Diagnosis System ) is an expert consultant system developed for angina pectoris diagnosis .


  10. The authors developed an air pollution dispersion system ( APDS ) with elevated Gauss dispersion model to simulate the impact of industrial point source pollution on region air quality .


  11. All of the ports with APDs work on the time division and cooperate with a logic discriminating and deciding unit driven by the clock signal .


  12. For this reason , there has been increasing interest in APDs , especially atmospheric pressure glow discharge ( APGD ), in the global low temperature plasma fields .


  13. Industry The atmospheric pressure discharges ( APDs ) have many advantages because they do not need a high vacuum system and show to be of great prospect for a number of industrial applications .


  14. In this paper the influences of ambient temperature and bias voltage on avalanche photodiodes ` ( APDs ` ) responsivity are analysed , and the ways of decreasing the influences are discussed .


  15. The detection efficiency and dark count rate of this system are both increased with the APDs bias voltage . We got that the minim value of the ratio of the detection efficiency to the dark count rate is about 0.035.3 .


  16. The English version of APDS has been implemented on personal computers . Validated by 20 cases provided by the People 's Hospital , Beijing University of Medicine , the diagnostic results are as same as those given by the clinical expert .


  17. According to the patient 's chief complaints , the risk factors oi CAD ( Coronary Artery Diseases ), physical examination data , and ECG ( Electro Cardio Gram ) findings , APDS determines the CAD possibility of the patient .


  18. Compared with the visible single-photon detectors based on Si-avalanch photodiodes ( APDs ), however , the current infrared photon counters based on InGaAs APDs are just passable , especially in quantum efficiency , working repetition rate and background noise .
