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美 [wɔːl iː]英 [wɔːl iː]
  • 网络机器人瓦力;机器人总动员;瓦力;星际总动员
  1. This is WALL-E , the last of the functioning solar-powered robots .


  2. There is now a plot involving WALL-E , the ship 's captain , several Hover people and the fate of the green living thing .


  3. In this case , WALL-E adorns every pillar .


  4. Three things make WALL-E such an enjoyable and moving film .


  5. The one only important message is the love story between Wall-E and Eve .


  6. At first glance , Jibo looks a bit like Wall-E 's robot girlfriend .


  7. In order not to live amidst ever higher landfills like in WALL-E , people will have to waste less .


  8. And what is the difference about Wall-E ?


  9. Wall-E lies on the queen-size bed of the " Paris Suite " at the D Pet Hotel in Hollywood , Calif.


  10. It hardly matters that the movie is not-quite-silent , when it blends art and heart as spectacularly as WALL-E does .


  11. The next is WALL-E from 《 WALL-E 》, a cute robot ! I think my WALL-E is really a spoony .


  12. This little guy is cuter than the surveillance robot EVE from the Pixar film Wall-E , but it detects water leaks and mold instead of vegetation .


  13. Mike Senna , a computer programmer from Orange County , California , has spent the last two and a half years building a real-life Wall-E robot , from scratch .


  14. His computer programming skills definitely came in handy , but seeing as there were no Wall-E parts available anywhere on this planet , he had to construct the whole thing from scratch .


  15. But then it 's like that movie Wall-E at the end . You 're so full of love , and you can save a plant and get fat people out of the floaty chairs .


  16. Day in and day out , little WALL-E vigilantly does the job he was programmed to do , but somewhere inside those circuits you can see just how incredibly lonely he really is .


  17. WALL-E , however , looks rusty and hard-working and plucky , and expresses his personality with body language and ( mostly ) with the binocular-like video cameras that serve as his eyes .


  18. The last piece of debris that clears away from WALL-E as he leaves Earth 's atmosphere is the Russian satellite Sputnik I , which in1957 was the first man-made object to be placed in earth orbit .


  19. In 2009 , shortly after the movie Wall-E was launched , we featured some photos of cool Wall-E computer case mod , but that feat simply pales in comparison to Mike Senna 's awesome achievement .


  20. I 'm concerned that such a focus on comfort and instant gratification will reduce us all to those characters in " Wall-E , " bound to their recliners , Big Gulps in hand , interacting with the world exclusively through their remotes .


  21. Both Jibo , a real robot , and Wall-E 's girlfriend , the fictional Pixar character , have the look of a futuristic Apple product : reflective white plastic , round curves , a black screen for a " face , " and smooth swiveling movements .
