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  • 网络伍伦贡;卧龙岗
  1. Abby is now studying her bachelor degree at the University of wollongong .


  2. The author is associate professor of geography at the School of Geosciences , University of Wollongong , Australia .


  3. The second match was between Tsinghua University and Australia 's University of Wollongong .


  4. The research by scholars at Wollongong University showed that post-tensioned and shaped space truss can resist significant load .


  5. Study author Aaron Oakley , of Australia 's University of Wollongong , says we still need clinical trials to tell if this trick holds true in humans .


  6. A team from the University of Wollongong compared people who paid for a year 's gym membership in advance to those who signed a contract but paid by fortnightly salary deductions .


  7. The brainchild of a team of scientists from South Korea 's Sungkyunkwan University and Australia 's University of Wollongong , the electricity producing fabric takes advantage of the Triboelectric effect ( TNG ) . Also known as friction energy it is the electricity created when two different kinds of surfaces rub against one another .
