
  • 网络维基解密;维基揭密
  1. Most of the latest published WikiLeaks documents are what might be called detainee personnel files .


  2. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an Australian citizen .


  3. When I ask him whether the rapid growth and increasing significance of WikiLeaks surprises him , he says no.


  4. In London , Mr. Assange said WikiLeaks is still examining fifteen thousand more documents .


  5. WikiLeaks welcomes documents from whistle-blowers and provides anonymous drop boxes .


  6. But while he rejects political labels , he says WikiLeaks does have its own ethical code .


  7. Sites like WikiLeaks work because sources , more often than not pricked by conscience , come forward with information in the public interest .


  8. The Wikileaks founder tries to avoid extradition in Sweden when he face sex allegation .


  9. Because of its special sensitivities , Wikileaks is not a traditional wiki but a hybrid that requires internal review before publishing .


  10. As the recent WikiLeaks scandal shows , huge amounts of data can now be stored on a small , transportable memory stick .


  11. Wikileaks is a site for publishing anonymous leaks and sensitive documents , supporting activism and whistle-blowing .


  12. Assange has denied the allegations and suggested they are part of a smear campaign by opponents of WikiLeaks .


  13. Assange founded the whistleblower site WikiLeaks .


  14. Now Wikileaks has been accused of disclosing the names of Afghan collaborators who may now be subject to reprisal .


  15. Assange has spent much of his time in Sweden and earlier this year he was accused of sexual misconduct by two female Swedish WikiLeaks volunteers .


  16. " We removed the WikiLeaks App from the App Store because it violated our developer guidelines ," Apple said in a statement on Wednesday .


  17. School of Diplomacy at Columbia uni first warning sent its graduates , citations and links to materials Wikileaks could threaten their careers in the US state agencies .


  18. The website WikiLeaks released the documents Sunday , which include allegations Pakistan 's intelligence service , the ISI , supports some of the insurgent groups operating in Afghanistan .


  19. A growing band of non-profit outfits such as ProPublica , the Sunlight Foundation and WikiLeaks are helping to fill the gap left by the decline of watchdog media .


  20. Wikileaks is a wiki for activists , whistle-blowers , and others who want to anonymously publish sensitive documents kept secret by governments , corporations , or other organizations .


  21. With his eccentric personal life and air of mystery , the flamboyant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange seems to be doing his best to impersonate a James Bond villain .


  22. Chinook helicopters in AfghanistanThe leak is expected to be co-ordinated by the WikiLeaks website , which has previously published secret details of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan .


  23. The Wikileaks founder has consistently denied allegations by two Swedish women of " non-consensual , coerced " sex , but was forced to change his legal team and arguments after losing in February .


  24. Lapan said a special 120-member Pentagon task force is prepared with a series of moves to protect people quickly , unlike the period after a previous WikiLeaks release in July , when it took the the Defense Department weeks to review some 77000 documents related to Afghanistan .
