
美 [ˌʌnˈteɪntɪd]英 [ˌʌnˈteɪntɪd]
  • adj.未被污染的;未染;未受损害的;未被玷污的


not damaged or spoiled by sth unpleasant; not tainted


(of reputation) free from blemishes
his unsullied name
an untarnished reputation
Synonym: stainless unstained unsullied untarnished


  1. The Root Self is pure , clean , and untainted by worldly matters .


  2. The island remains untainted by tourism .


  3. By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them , you reinforce it .


  4. It is possible , still , to breathe an air untainted and to hear the whispered passage of time .


  5. But Geely is far from an untainted success .


  6. My conscience stays untainted in spite of rumors and slanders from the outside .


  7. As the Queen of Heaven , she lived on earth , untainted by desire , and immaculate .


  8. The level of concern is so great that even the Chinese companies untainted by accusations of wrongdoing have seen their shares underperform the wider stock markets .


  9. Conservapedia aims to offer a version of the truth untainted by Wikipedia 's liberal secular bias on issues such as evolution .


  10. The contest has since earned the tag of The Dirtiest Race in History with only two of the eight runners untainted by questions of drug use .


  11. However , the eggs in this particular clutch were pale and relatively untainted , allowing scientists to identify the pigments biliverdin and protoporphyrin .


  12. The untainted white of his pupil alerts his intense gaze with Kang 's witty cropping of the canvas in quirky solitude composition ;


  13. As if that 's not enough , Mo has thrown in Sun Honglei , China 's leading man who has also an untainted record from both his TV and film work .


  14. Only Barack Obama , the US president , can provide the desired Leadership : he is untainted , popular and leader of the country that , for good and ill , remains central .


  15. They are untainted by the conflicts of interest that bedevil banks offering research on clients , and that led to a 2003 settlement enforcing stricter separation of investment banking and research in America .


  16. Finally , without having been in the workplace , the young entrepreneur has a fresh perspective untainted from the way-it-is-supposed-to-be mindset that is so prevalent in most boardrooms .


  17. The disastrous results of all this for economic development have been highlighted by numerous Western investors , as well as by honest Russian businessmen who require a reasonably untainted and predictable legal order in which to operate .


  18. Ms Yingluck is a variation on the theme : on the campaign , she toned down her brother 's populism and made a virtue of being untainted by his corruption .


  19. From his home in Mortlake , now in the London borough of Richmond upon Thames , John Dee gazed up through the still untainted night as his certainties slipped away .


  20. She is a reminder of the natural curiosity that we once held in our naive , untainted childhood , summoning us to reexamine our seemingly prohibitory surrounding walls and grasp beyond it .


  21. The tang of the untainted , fresh and free sea air was like a cool , quieting thought , and the shells and pebbles and the seaweed with tiny living creatures attached to it never lost their fascination for me .


  22. Never have I found in the greenhouses of the North such heart-satisfying roses as the climbing roses of my southern home . They used to hang in long festoons from our porch , filling the whole air with their fragrance , untainted by any earthysmell ;


  23. But I forbid thee one most heinous crime : O , carve not with thy hours my love 's fair brow , Nor draw no lines there with thine antique pen ; Him in thy course untainted do allow For beauty 's pattern to succeeding men .
