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  • 网络梅毒螺旋体血凝试验;血凝试验;梅毒螺旋体血凝反应;梅毒螺旋体血凝测定
  1. Objective To investigate the relationship of sensitivity between the serum and serum paper TPHA test .


  2. Investigation on the Relationship of Sensitivity between Serum and Serum paper TPHA Test for Syphilis


  3. The 4 rapid tests and TPHA were performed by using whole blood and serum respectively .


  4. Methods 50 syphilis serum and serum paper samples were used for TPHA test . Results of the two groups were analysed and compared .


  5. The application of two types of serologic test for syphilis , RPR and TPHA , in syphilis diagnosis is also discussed .


  6. Experimental study of the influence on body temperature of patients performing 0.2T and 3.0T MR examination The RPR test and TPHA were positive .


  7. However , among 29 suspected sera by TRUST , only 7 ( 7 / 29 ) were positive according to ELISA and TPHA .


  8. The positive samples in RPR were diagnosed by Treponema Pallidum Hemagglutination Assay ( TPHA ) .


  9. Both TPHA and RPR test titers in secondary syphilis were significantly higher than those in primary syphilis and latent syphilis .


  10. The diagnosis of early syphilis was confirmed by rapid plasma regain ( RPR ) and TP hemagglutination ( TPHA ) tests .


  11. Establishment of ELISA based on Recombinant Multi - epitope Chimeric Antigen and Its Comparison with TPHA and TRUST for Determining Antibodies against Treponema pallidum


  12. Then , 126 suspected serum samples of syphilis antibodies were tested by this method , and its results were compared with the same samples detected by TPHA and TRUST .


  13. Conclusion serum paper can be used for TPHA test , it is easier for keeping and transportation of serum , the test results showed no statistical difference when compared with that of serum test .


  14. In 3 out of 6 cases who had lumbar puncture , treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay ( TPHA ) test of cerebrospinal fluid was positive .


  15. Methods : TPAb was used to detect the specific antibody of syphilis in serum from syphilis and non syphilis patients and compared with RPR and TPHA .


  16. Objective To analyze the false-positive results of Treponema pallidum antibody caused by 3 different assay in comparison with Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay ( TPHA ) .


  17. Conclusion : Regular limb X-ray check-up for the infants with RPR or TPHA positive is useful for the disease to be detected earlier , diagnosed earlier and treated earlier .


  18. All cases serum and cerebrospinal fluid quickly checked blood plasma regain ring card experimentation ( RPR ), and treponema pallidum gelatin agglutination test ( TPHA ) were all positive .


  19. Case was found hemorrhage of external capsule . In 6 out of 7 cases , the rapid plasma regain ( RPR ) and treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay ( TPHA ) test of serum was positive .


  20. 30 cases had no clinical manifestations , but their RPR and TPHA were positive , they were mostly bom to mothers suffering syphilis at pregnancy and be treated . However , all of the test were the serologic positive .


  21. Results Among the 42 patients , 11 ( 26.2 % ) were diagnosed as primary syphilis , 18 ( 42.9 % ) secondary syphilis and 13 ( 30.9 % ) early latent syphilis . RPR and TPHA were positive in all patients .
