- conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods
- clandestine intelligence operations
- cloak-and-dagger activities behind enemy lines
- hole-and-corner intrigue
- secret missions
- a secret agent
- secret sales of arms
- surreptitious mobilization of troops
- an undercover investigation
- underground resistance
- Synonym: clandestine cloak-and-dagger hole-and-corner(a) hugger-mugger hush-hush secret undercover underground
- marked by quiet and caution and secrecy;taking pains to avoid being observed
- a furtive manner
- a sneak attack
- stealthy footsteps
- a surreptitious glance at his watch
- Synonym: furtive sneak(a) sneaky stealthy
She sneaked a surreptitious glance at her watch .
He made a surreptitious entrance to the club through the little door in the brick wall
They had several surreptitious conversations .
For starters , the technology is difficult to understand and its use is often surreptitious .
The surreptitious moBilization of troops in preparation for a sneak attack .
She gave him a surreptitious look as she ③ took ② four more of his sweets .
Authorization to Search for Stolen Goods She carried out a surreptitious search of his belongings .
Took a surreptitious glance at his watch ;
I do not mind you smoking occasionally & there 's no need to be so surreptitious about it !
Rong Rong 's photographs convey the drama and mystery of these surreptitious performances .
His surreptitious behaviour naturally aroused suspicion .
But there might be a more surreptitious reason your children are cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs .
We always assumed it was nerves , or a surreptitious attempt to glance at their wristwatch .
The display can also be customized to show surreptitious symbols when a message is received from someone the user would rather keep secret in certain situations .
Had we been accompanied by my father , the loud harassment would have been replaced with more surreptitious gestures .
With eccentric and surreptitious style , the novel breaks the traditional way of narration and the existing models of value as well as the logic and order of the rational world .
The UI of the system presented in the present thesis is friendly , simple , stable , safe and surreptitious . The system can realize the share of information resource , and improve the efficiency and accuracy of teaching management .
Even before Black Mirror was shown in the United States , Mr. Brooker said he began hearing from Hollywood types who were finding it on shady torrent sites or getting surreptitious DVD copies or whatever .
Alan 's rather surreptitious access to the physics workshop was , however , symbolic of the problem that he faced in creating that life , by overcoming the line drawn between mathematics and engineering , the logical and the physical .
He says he 's more worried about surreptitious humans than sentient robots and noted that Nathan 's " dude-bro " speak is a metaphor for how tech companies lure us into divulging our lives .
Even before " Black Mirror " was shown in the United States , Mr. Brooker said he began hearing from Hollywood types who were finding it on shady torrent sites " or getting surreptitious DVD copies or whatever . "
Moreover , literature , Bola ñ o writes , " is a surreptitious form of violence , a passport to respectability , and can , in certain young and sensitive nations , disguise the social climber 's origins . "
It is for this reason that the Ministry of Magic has insisted upon a register of Animagi , for there can be no doubt that this kind of magic is of greatest use to those engaged in surreptitious , covert or even criminal activity .
Eating ortolan is also a surreptitious pleasure beyond France : The author and chef Anthony Bourdain , in his 2010 book , " Medium Raw , " described a secret , late-night meeting of French chefs in a New York restaurant to eat ortolans .