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美 [ˈsɜrɪnɑm]英 [ˌsʊərɪˈnæm]
  • 网络苏里南


a republic in northeastern South America on the Atlantic;achieved independence from the Netherlands in 1975
Synonym: Republic of Suriname Surinam Dutch Guiana Netherlands Guiana


  1. Perhaps one explanation for her mistakes is that she cut short her Suriname trip after getting sick , and completed the book at home in Amsterdam .


  2. Merian also made note of the help she received from the natives of Suriname , as well as slaves or servants that assisted her .


  3. Suriname has been known as the land of many cultures .


  4. Football is the most popular sport in Suriname .


  5. A river in Suriname that flows northward to the Atlantic .


  6. Uruguay is the second-smallest country in South America , after Suriname .


  7. Ethnic Conflict in Suriname Society


  8. The capital and largest city of Suriname , on the Suriname River near its mouth on the Atlantic Ocean .


  9. Dates from 3000 BCE , the present-day Suriname was the home to many distinct indigenous cultures .


  10. Currency C Suriname dollar The Suriname dollar ( currency code SRD ) the currency used by Suriname .


  11. They stopped in Puerto Rico , Suriname , and Brazil .


  12. Hugo Jabini and Wanze Eduards won from South and Central America . They are from Suriname , in the Amazon Basin forest .


  13. There 's a saying in Suriname that I dearly love : The rainforests hold answers to questions we have yet to ask .


  14. Jeremy spent 14 weeks travelling around the world , from Australia to Suriname in South America , to film his third series of his hit show this year .


  15. The Dutch thought sugar-rich Suriname was a better bet but New York City 's economy is now more than a hundred times larger than Suriname 's.


  16. Suriname , till about 30 years ago , was a Dutch colony , an economically vibrant state with Paramaribo as its pride .


  17. As a piece of a pomegranate are thy temples within thy locks . 9.The historical inner city of Paramaribo , Suriname .


  18. The Dutch Government has agreed to restart the aid flow , which will allow Suriname to access international development financing , but plans to phase out funds over the next five years .


  19. Language : Dutch is the official language . Other languages include English , Surinamese , Hindu Suriname Hindustani , and Javanese .


  20. The results of this can be seen in the political parties , which emerged in Suriname around 1950 . The political arena became the battlefield for the latent conflict among the different ethnic groups .


  21. Of these , Fiji , Guyana , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Suriname and Vanuatu report wood processing as one of their main industries .


  22. In the Americas , regional launching events are being held in border areas of Nicaragua , between Suriname and French Guyana , and between Haiti and the Dominican Republic .


  23. Bangladesh , Barbados , Bolivia , and Suriname have written to the WHO ( who host and administer UNITAID ) asking it to consider the prize fund / patent pool model .


  24. Location : Located on the northeast coast of South America , Suriname is bordered by French Guiana to the east , Brazil to the south , Guyana to the west , and the Atlantic Ocean to the north .


  25. The Dutch , who had colonised Manhattan in 1624 , decided in 1667 to cede what is now New York to the British , in exchange for guarantees over their possession of what is now Suriname in Latin America .


  26. Spanning Brazil , Colombia , Ecuador , Venezuela , Bolivia , Peru , Suriname , Guyana and French Guiana , the Amazon is one of the last frontiers , and it 's disappearing at a staggering rate .


  27. 1-Bahamas , Belize , Cuba , Cyprus , Dominica , Fiji , Grenada , Guinea-Bissau , Guyana , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , Solomon Islands , Saint Lucia , Suriname and Vanuatu .


  28. Unsurprisingly , the tropical lands of South America , the Caribbean , Africa , south-east Asia and the South Pacific dominate , with Suriname , Micronesia , Palau , Gabon , Guyana , American Samoa and the Solomon Islands all in the top 10 .


  29. If you like solitude , avoid most of the Far East and Western Europe , and consider one of the 10 least crowded places : Greenland , Falkland Islands , Mongolia , Western Sahara , Namibia , French Guiana , Australia , Iceland , Suriname , and Botswana .
