
  • n.铁腕人物;独裁者;(尤指马戏团里的)大力士
  • strongman的复数
  1. If she talks to the police , joey 's strongmen will be paying her a visit .


  2. Many of the countries where disaffection with strongmen rulers has spilled over into revolt have seen their education levels rise sharply in recent decades .


  3. If Mr Obama wants to defeat Isis without allowing the US army to be sucked into another destructive war , local strongmen must do the job for him .


  4. It only underscored the point that a fair percentage of Africa 's heads of state are strongmen who , one way or another , have installed themselves as leaders for life .


  5. Congo was a rich country , but its minerals were swapped by local strongmen for weapons , or stripped away by corporations who left the people in poverty .


  6. Analysts have often commented that it does not really matter who the next figurehead is in North Korea . Strongmen such as Mr Chang will take the decisions that really count .


  7. The Scary New Rich Aristotle believed they were democracy 's secret weapon-the protectors of social values , the moderators of political extremism , and believers in a society run by laws instead of by strongmen .


  8. A remarkable number of today 's presidential contenders are daughters of strongmen : Ms Park in South Korea , Ms Le Pen in France , Peru 's Ms Fujimori , Zury R í os Montt in Guatemala , Dariga Nazarbayeva in Kazakhstan .
