
  • 网络斯大林;斯大林主义;史达林主义
  1. Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy .


  2. One is modern China . The other was Stalinist Russia .


  3. The period from 1929 to 1936 was when the Stalinist model was established .


  4. Instead , what he gave them was a Stalinist type of government .


  5. The Inheritance and Development of Stalinist System


  6. There are no longer many defenders of Stalinist economics .


  7. In another word , the Stalinist model had become a main hindrance to the social development of the Soviet Union .


  8. It can be said that this is the ultimate failure of the Stalinist model of deep-seated reasons .


  9. In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely


  10. But their success may be determined by how good they are - in Stalinist terminology - as engineers of human souls .


  11. But he added that the Stalinist regime had first to take concrete action , such as a moratorium on nuclear or missile tests .


  12. Massive oak doors ; Moore 's massive sculptures ; the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture ; a monumental scale .


  13. The US confirmed yesterday that North Korea last week conducted a nuclear explosion , making the Stalinist nation the eighth country to join the so-called nuclear club .


  14. Em , instead of the Stalinist purges and the divorce and the investigation , Erm , it .


  15. DELEGATES from across North Korea gathered in Pyongyang for a special conference-probably the most significant official meeting held by the Stalinist state in30 years .


  16. In The Age of Extremes , he suggested that the deaths due to Stalinist terror are more likely measured in eight rather than seven digits .


  17. According to China 's current five-year plan a holdover strategy from the Stalinist economy there are supposed to be more than 400,000 charging piles nationwide by 2015 .


  18. According to China 's current five-year plan -- a holdover strategy from the Stalinist economy -- there are supposed to be more than 400000 charging piles nationwide by 2015 .


  19. Well done , China ! You have given the world a magnificent Olympics despite the efforts of the chattering classes in the Western media to portray you as some Stalinist state .


  20. The move came amid intense haggling at the United Nations on the scale and nature of sanctions and ahead of a high-level US diplomatic drive to reign in the Stalinist nation .


  21. North Korea started dismantling its nuclear plant at Yongbyon this year under a deal that would see the Stalinist state receive energy and economic aid , and the normalisation of relations with the US .


  22. Mr Brown has been criticised for his " Stalinist " approach to government and much else besides , including an imprudent public-spending spree and the damage he has done to the pension system .


  23. Pyongyang last year agreed to produce a " compete and correct " Declaration of its nuclear activities in order to complete the second stage of a three-part deal aimed at denuclearising the Stalinist state .


  24. North Korea has placed a long-range missile capable of reaching the US on a launch pad , suggesting that the Stalinist state intends to go ahead with a planned satellite launch in early April .


  25. While the European Union proscribed high-quality cigars and cigarillos under sanctions first slapped on the Stalinist regime in 2006 , the US and Japan went further and targeted cigarettes .


  26. The thesis focuses on the revolutionary Russian intelligentsia , its impact on the historic and social development in Russia-especially on the formation of Stalinist mode-and its inherent connections with the latter .


  27. So while Ai si-qi absorbed epistemological ideas from Lenin , he accepted the Stalinist pattern in the Soviet philosophy textbook gradually and formed ideology which is contrary to seeking truth from facts .


  28. So , while we were willing to consider talking to climate change naysayers denier seems a rather Stalinist term we found that even their initially compelling arguments were rarely backed up by peer-reviewed research .


  29. To rush to the conclusion that North Korea had torpedoed the ship would have put him under pressure to retaliate , risking a dangerous military escalation with his unpredictable , nuclear-armed Stalinist neighbour .


  30. Certainly , it would be impermissible to say that the American Republic is in any sense better than Albania under its late , unlamented , Stalinist leader , Enver Hoxa .
