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  1. The travails of the British car industry are Seldon out of the news .


  2. Sir Anthony Seldon , the University of Buckingham 's reformist vice-chancellor , feels that significant change is necessary .


  3. But writing in the new book , Uni In The USA , Dr Seldon said theexodus was " down to far more than economics . "


  4. Dr Seldon said that one-in-10 Wellington students were now applying to universities outside Britain compared with just the " occasional pupil " a few years ago .


  5. The college 's religious education staff will teach the course as a complement to , rather than a substitute for , conventional RE classes , said Seldon , who is also a political commentator and author .


  6. Students are being forced to seek courses on the other side of the Atlantic because institutions in this country are stuck in a malaise , according to Anthony Seldon , Master of Wellington College , Berkshire .


  7. Sir Anthony Seldon , vice chancellor of BuckinghamUniversity and former headmaster of Wellington College , says : " Televisionand film portrayals of schools and universities are far more important inopinion formation I think than generally realised . "
