- v.使恢复生机(或健康);使更强壮

One way is to revitalise the European project .
The dinosaurs see little need to revitalise the party 's appeal or methods .
Further reforms to revitalise the stagnant economy are expected soon .
UNITAID 's patent pool could revitalise innovation , saving lives in the developing world .
In 1996 , in a bid to revitalise itself , apple brought him back .
The ruling party hopes casinos will spur tourism , help revitalise local economies and increase tax revenues .
For Syria , the hope is that new business interest from the East can offset this loss and help revitalise its economy .
Ms Chen says her offer to China Oriental 's shareholders represents a " final effort " to revitalise the company .
Generally speaking , greater choice and competition in any market obliges established players to revitalise themselves or shut down .
Open innovation has potential to revitalise the development sector , providing new sources of creative knowledge and resources , says Tara Acharya .
Beijing has been encouraging foreign technology companies to carry out more high-end work on the mainland as part of efforts to revitalise local industry .
This will not only revitalise the car ′ s appearance but also give it that'just been serviced ′ smell .
Instead , emerging countries need to dust down the structural reform agenda they quietly abandoned a decade ago and move to revitalise domestic competition .
Second , the project would revitalise US-EU relations at a time of slow or non-existent growth on both sides of the Atlantic .
Despite some early technology hiccups , IPTV could help revitalise a telecoms industry facing the steady decline of traditional fixed-line voice revenues .
Developers are determined to revitalise the area to serve a growing number of wealthier residents , which means rents and property prices will rise .
Negotiating new and important rules would help revitalise the WTO , which has languished because of the unfinished Doha Round of trade talks .
Mr Paulson 's experience in financial markets and his efforts to revitalise President George W. Bush 's economic team are just what the US needs .
The product , which you leave on overnight , is designed to revitalise dry and dull skin , and give it a natural glow .
This will not only refresh and revitalise you , but will cleanse your palate and will boost your liver function .
The Stamford Bridge chief insists Carrick is the right man to revitalise a united midfield shorn of Roy keane 's leadership .
As such Jigsaw will make Java desktop applications appear more as first class citizens on the various platforms that Sun supports , a critical step in Sun 's efforts to revitalise desktop Java .
Party cultural commissars have long yearned to revitalise the struggling domestic film industry , while still ensuring that it offers a more ideological supportive message than will ever be conveyed by US imports .
But procurement reforms in the 2015 proposal show Tokyo is attempting to stretch its constrained finances further , and in a way that could help revitalise an industry that has long been a sleeping giant .
Even with a No vote in the referendum , if the union is to endure there will be much to be done after September to reshape and revitalise the relationship between England and Scotland .
Analysts said yesterday 's result was likely to usher in a new political era featuring two dominant political parties competing for the favour of an impatient electorate wanting the government to revitalise the economy and tackle demographic challenges .
Created especially to moisturise , smooth and rejuvenate , these cr è mes are enriched with Bee Propolis and Ovine Placenta to revitalise your skin for a more youthful complexion .
Following the failure of the first attempt last month by Tim Geithner , Treasury secretary , to announce guidelines for the removal of toxic assets from bank balance sheets , critics fear that Mr Obama still lacks a full strategy to revitalise the financial system .