- n.色迷迷的一瞥;淫欲的目光

People finding out that your son 's a perv .
Results Proviral PERV sequences were detected in liver tissue in pig .
However , once PERV cross the species barrier , they may proliferate and cause diseases in the host .
Constitutive product of PERV - MSL RNA has been detected in normal leukocytes and multiple organs of swine .
Several methods to detect PERV have been developed , which provided basis for the control of virus in the donor and adopters ' bodies .
Relax , I can assure you that you 're not a perv .
Just because I fantasize does not mean I 'm a perv .
To analyze the interrelation and variation between the envelope gene of porcine endogenous retrovirus from miniature swine of China and other PERV published strains .
Lieber found that mouse endogenous retroviruses , which are highly homologous with PERV , had made gibbon suffering from leukemia .
Mom , that perv is ogling you again .
Immuno_rejection , as well as the potential risk of inadvertent transfer of porcine endogenous retroviruses ( PERV ), are the major barriers in xenotransplantation .
At present , it is known that there are multiple PERV copies in most pig breeds ; the copy number differs among breeds and individuals of the same breed .
As we all know , the PERV copy number carried in pig breeds serves as an important reference value for potential viral infectivity and the species ' suitability as a future donor .
In the first part , the objective is to design a real-time PCR test to detect porcine endogenous retrovirus ( PERV ) RNA in the medical devices in which the materials derived from porcine .
A number of strategies have been devised to reduce or eliminate the risk of PERV infection in xenograft recipients , but all of them are not completely effective and prohibitively expensive .
Conclusion : The spread of PERV had not been found after circulation of 6h in vitro and treatment of 6h for ALF canines using the novel BAL system based on porcine hepatocyte .
Objective To assess the infectivity of porcine endogenous retrovirus ( PERV ) via in vitro infection of human embryonic kidney cell line HEK-293 . Methods PERV particles were detected by immunoelectron microscopy .
Normally , with a long period of evolution for host , PERV proviral DNA in host cell mutated and thus can not synthesize protein , so the pig does not ill with PERV .
The infectivity of porcine endogenous retrovirus with porcine skin fibroblast cells in vitro and in vivo were demonstrated in this study , and there is no evidence of active viral replication of PERV in vivo .
Studies on xenotransplantation have been carried out and transgenic porcine skin for pig to human xenotransplantation is in industrialization . However , so far , in China , an adequate level of information on PERV from Chinese miniature pigs has not been available .