
  • n.感觉;感受;印象;知觉的对象


the representation of what is perceived;basic component in the formation of a concept
Synonym: perception perceptual experience


  1. Individuals with high internal control tendency percept higher level of organizational harmony .


  2. The combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept .


  3. The Teaching of Composition Must Lead Students to Close to the Life and Make Them Percept the Life


  4. However the culture is profound and difficult to percept , it is very difficult to measure .


  5. She was an active and constant percept for decent behaviour .


  6. A relatively homogeneous percept extending back of the figure on which attention is focused .


  7. Society is also has a memory , social memory is the people who percept and refactor their common memory .


  8. An ounce of practice is worth a pound of percept .


  9. That 's the true business percept .


  10. We can percept the mission of philosophy as well as of intellectuals by Socrates .


  11. In recent years , with the fast development of computer vision , vision-based road detection has become an important way to percept the environment .


  12. A specific network of neurons is needed for a specific percept , not any random collection of neurons that become highly active .


  13. Both audible and visible . the graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept .


  14. A unitary percept having structure and coherence that is the object of attention and that stands out against a ground .


  15. The generation of administrative value , as one of the most important researches in administrative philosophy study , is one way to percept the nature of administrative activities .


  16. Space has the obvious natural and social property ; it is not only the place human act and percept but also the tool to clear the ethics .


  17. Studies have shown that : the elderly percept service are generally higher than the expected service , and the results of SQ is-0.8266 .


  18. It emerged as special kind of cultural phenomenon in the early period of the process that the Chinese percept the Western culture . It is a product of the process .


  19. This produces the percept of smooth motion ( within certain limits ), the " Phi Phenomenon " of Wertheimer .


  20. Conclusion The legibility of image factors and percept of tourist were strengthened through organizing and designing the factors of urban tourism image in spatial landscape of urban .


  21. Any of several fishes with red eyes , as the rock bass . the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept .


  22. Wantedo sess e public 's percept y person sgthsanabilits .


  23. The simulation results show that both algorithms can make each network percept to choose the best transmission power , to maximize profits , effectively reduce the interference between networks and energy waste .


  24. The understanding and description of human sensory information is a hot and difficult issue of current artificial intelligence . 80 percent of the information obtained from outside is percept through vision .


  25. Finally , through a more micro-specific analysis of the four parts of the Chinese traditional decorative elements , we develop a logic percept and a deeper understanding of the integration with modern interior design .


  26. We cannot say that " ten " is abstracted from perception , for any percept which can be viewed as ten of some kind of thing can equally well be viewed otherwise .


  27. This article discusses the percept of the network-marketing channel and analyses how to establish and improve the network-marketing channel , which , I hope , would be helpful to most enterprises in China .


  28. Though , in the planar design , the visual percept itself is at rest , the changes of the figure and colors show a variety of dynamic forces so as to make the planar vision active .


  29. Participants were first asked to recall the happy or unhappy days in the past , and then were instructed to describe their current creativity or creativity potential to manipulate their percept of self-concept .


  30. The warning of security posture may percept various threats to information systems , the security situation-based generation and evaluation of results and accurately determine the security risks and possible attack , in a timely manner to alert .
