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  1. A new mobile station locating algorithm by the signal attenuation method is devel - oped .


  2. Write an oped style article on any issue pertinent to the last third of the class .


  3. Independent component analysis ( ICA ) is a recently devel - oped method based on higher order statistical analysis .


  4. In fact , he 's becoming something of an oped stalker .


  5. Value of active strike & slip fault devel - oped in the setting of complex fault system is relatively high .


  6. They write these great symbolic treatises called books , and papers , and oped articles .


  7. As a measure to save energy in cement production processes , low pressure loss cyclones have been devel - oped .


  8. Flat & flame nozzle is a new type combustion equipment devel - oped recently , it has a series of advantage .


  9. A computer aided teaching system for muLticomponent phase-equilibria has been devel oped in the workstation based software ANSYS .


  10. In order to improve container transmission management level , world lead container RFID system is devel - oped and succeeded in home trade container transmission .


  11. This method is especially good for measuring unsteady hypersonic flow field . An integrated measuring system LVG-1 has been devel - oped .


  12. Thus , a new approach to solv - ing the management problem for the crossbar switching system is devel - oped .


  13. Neurons and axons are well devel - oped , but some dendrites are like processes of glial .


  14. A formulation for flame-retardant PVC sheathing of low smoke and low halogen was devel - oped .


  15. Reading five Web sites , an oped article and a blog post or two , experts say , can be more enriching than reading one book .


  16. This paper introduces the structure , work laws and process of overfall valve and rotate speed control valve in a lately devel oped cleaner .


  17. Thyristor control series compensation ( TCSC ) is one of flexible AC transmission systems ( FACTS ) and devel - oped from fixed series capacitor technology .


  18. The test results showed that the RS-20 catalyst devel - oped by Research Institute of Petroleum Processing possessed higher activity and good stability , regen-eration property and feedstock adaptability .


  19. One - by - one slot current approach is devel - oped to calculate the primary current sheet which can accurately account for the effect of half - filled slots and can deal with phase unbalance .


  20. I saw you oped it , you broke into a sweat . You turned white . Your hands trembled ... For goodness'sake , who was it from and what did it say ?


  21. From the beginning of the 19th century , the universities of the developed countries in Europe and America devel - oped greatly with the government 's financial support , making them the national universities to a considerable degree .


  22. Or has global warming been spun into an " alarmist gale ," as Richard Lindzen , a climatologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology wrote in a recent Wall Street Journal oped article ?


  23. To standardize the testing of anionic property of textiles and increase the reliability of test results , an innovative apparatus for testing the anionic property of textiles is devel - oped and it has been proved to have good performance .


  24. Secretory granules were found in the root of the dendrites , dendritic trunks , and fine dendritic branches . Neurons and axons are well devel - oped , but some dendrites are like processes of glial .
