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  • 网络夏目漱石;夏目
  1. Natsume Sousaki has created many images of the female sex in his works .


  2. On the Inward Loneliness of Modern Intellectuals in Natsume Souseki 's Literature-Focus on his Work Door


  3. Religion provides Natsume Souseki with inexhaustible literature materials .


  4. The fourth chapter described an important literature relationship between Lu Xun and Natsume Souseki which is called YuYu theory .


  5. Psychiatrist Kure Shuzou diagnosed Natsume Soseki as a kind of precocious dementia .


  6. In modern Japanese writers , Natsume Souseki was an outstanding writer with deep philosophical speculations and rich artistic expressions , and a representative of liberal thinkers .


  7. Although Love and death is one of the common motifs in Wild Grass by Luxun and Ten-Night Dreams by Natsume Soseki , some differences still exit .


  8. Assembly chairman Shogo Natsume told reporters the comments lacked dignity in issuing his reprimand , adding that the remarks would be deleted from the record of the June 18 meeting .


  9. Assembly chairman Shogo Natsume told reporters the comments " lacked dignity " in issuing his reprimand , adding that the remarks would be deleted from the record of the June 18 meeting .


  10. The fifth chapter is a conclusion part . It made a conclusion about the referenced and exceeded literature relationship between Lu Xun and Natsume Souseki , which are summarized from experiences , works and literature concept . The last chapter proposed the next research subject .
