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  • 网络氮肥利用率;氮素利用效率
  1. Yield had a significant relationship with nitrogen absorption which was expressed to quadratic curve and hence NUE decreased with nitrogen absorption to linear curve in dry year .


  2. In order to understand molecular mechanisms of the difference in NUE of rice , a systematic proteomic study was carried out to investigate N stress-responsive proteins in two high yielding rice cultivars differing in NUE .


  3. It showed that few varieties with high NUE could be found in the present wheat production .


  4. How to simultaneously increase grain yield and NUE is the hot and difficult research point .


  5. The results showed significant difference in all parameters of NUE among spinach genotypes tested .


  6. The direct of utilization to NUE was gradually strengthened along with increasing N fertilizer .


  7. There exists significant relationship between WUE and nutrient utilization efficiency ( NUE ) 7 .


  8. The spike number per area had important effect on the NUE and the grain yield under N stress condition .


  9. NUE in hybrid combination was significantly or greatly significantly higher than that in conventional variety under different nitrogen rate .


  10. NUE differed significantly under low , medium and high nitrogen , and dropped with the increase of nitrogen application .


  11. Water use efficiency ( WUE ) and nutrient use efficiency ( NUE ) are two important indicators of plant resource utilization .


  12. The NUE of cotton in drip irrigation was higher than flooding irrigation . 4 .


  13. The liming efficiency , leather qualities and also area yield can be improved after applying NUE in leather processing .


  14. However , high input of nitrogen and the low nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) have become two serious problems in rice production in China .


  15. NUE of economic N treatment under conventional irrigation decreased by 16.6 % compared with the same N treatment under water-saving condition .


  16. The results showed that significant different existed among hybrids in grain yield , N accumulation , NUE and N responsiveness .


  17. The concept of nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) offers a powerful tool to study plant strategies with respect to nutrient limitation .


  18. Thus , researches on productivity and N use efficiency ( NUE ) in rice-wheat cropping system are necessary and urgent .


  19. NUE is patitioned into two major components : uptaking and utilization efficiencies .


  20. Ten wheat evolution materials were used to study changes of N and P use efficiency ( NUE , PUE ) during wheat evolution .


  21. Selecting high nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) hybrid maize plays the most important role for high yield and high NUE in maize production .


  22. It was indicated that relatively simply biochemical pathways maybe involved with NUE , thus it should be efficiently manipulated .


  23. Then this showed that the high NUE varieties had stronger capabilities of N accumulation and dry matter production in plants under N stress condition .


  24. And 4 genotype ( cultivars ) that NUE were higher were selected in the normal and the fertilizer and water deficient environment conditions .


  25. On the same water condition the NUE and soil residue of conventional N treatment was lower than that of economical treatment , and N loss increased ;


  26. It is important for the crop production of high quality , yield , and efficiency and unpolluted to improve nitrogen use efficiency ( NUE ) in wheat .


  27. She never seemed like an ing é nue , though : Even as a teenager , she had gravitas .


  28. In view of the situation , one positive and efficient method is breeding high N use efficiency ( NUE ) variety by the means of different genotypes in maize .


  29. The correlations between them and NUE are either significant or extremely significant except root active uptake area , which has significant correlation to NPE .


  30. 48 rice genotypes were used for researching nitrogen absorption and utilization efficiency , and the relationship between nitrogen utilization efficiency ( NUE ) and main agronomical characteristics .
