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  • 网络毛里求斯卢比;穆尔河;墙壁;请即打扫
  1. Comparison between Two Difference Equations of Mur 's 2 order Absorbing Boundary Condition


  2. Establishment and application of PCR-SSP for detecting Mur blood group


  3. Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Discrete Formulation in Frequency Domain for Mur 's Absorbing Boundary Condition


  4. The application steps of the MUR in EID are analyzed in detail .


  5. Super ABC , the Mur condition , has been widely used in FDTD .


  6. A mixed absorbing boundary condition for FDTD was advanced based on PML and MUR .


  7. Novel finite-difference approximations of Mur 's conditions are presented in frequency-domain .


  8. Objective : To Study the serologic characteristics of anti Mur antibody and its clinical significance in blood transfusion .


  9. The numerical results coincide well with those obtained from the second order Mur absorbing boundary condition ( ABC ) .


  10. The Mur absorbing boundary condition ( ABC ) is used to truncate the computational area .


  11. Finite-difference approximations in frequency-domain for mur 's conditions and Its Applications


  12. The application of PML and MUR absorbing boundary connection in PSTD algorithm was investigated .


  13. Tell Mur doctor I 'm in the tympanic cavity .


  14. As well , it compares Mur and PML absorbing boundary conditions which are usually used in FDTD .


  15. A hybrid technique to calculate the scattering of electrically large bodies is presented by combining Mur method in frequency-domain with MEI method .


  16. It is shown that the characteristics of this new technique are smaller reflection , simpler model of source and faster convergence compared with Mur 's absorbing boundary condition .


  17. The stability of Mur 's second order absorbing boundary condition used in three-dimensional ( 3-D ) FD-TD method and the factors to guarantee its stability are studied respectively .


  18. The area of calculation is built and the Mur absorbing boundary condition is applied at the boundary of calculational area in order to economize the resource of computer greatly .


  19. Conclusion The frequencies of Di b - , Mur + , Jk ( a-b - ) in Chinese are higher than those in Caucasian and black people .


  20. The second order , the third order of Mur absorbing boundary and periodic boundary are used respectively to cut the computational region in two dimensional photonic crystals , and transmission properties for different parameters are studied .


  21. To improve the milk and meat production of native buffaloes in Yunnan province , the Mur - ry buffalo were imported in 1974,1997 and 2002 by Guangxi Buffalo Institute .


  22. We call it local absorbing boundary condition ( LABC ) . It is more effective both in theoretical analyses and numerical simulations when compared to other widely used boundary conditions such as second order Mur ABC 's.


  23. The three-dimensional finite difference approximation of Mur 's absorbing boundary condition is presented in frequency domain . With the discrete formulation of Maxwell 's equation for finite difference frequency domain , it is convenient to solve three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problem .


  24. In this paper , media matched condition is firstly analyzed and the parameters ' relation is obtained which needed for nonreflecting propagation in time varying media , then the common Mur and PML boundary conditions are expanded to FDTD simulation .


  25. In this paper , computational accuracy and implemental difficulty of two difference equations of Mur 's 2 order absorbing boundary condition of the finite-difference time-domain method are compared theoretically . The conclusion is that the direct equation has better computational accuracy and a little more implemental difficulty .
