- abbr.联合部队司令(Joint Force Commander)

Development of HTML Parser Based on JFC / Swing Text Component
Synthesis and Application of JFC - Phosphoric Ester
The result shows that when BS-12 was composed with JFC , the lotion effect was improved obviously .
A major part of the JFC is a new set of user interface components that is much more complete , flexible , and portable .
Swing , a GUI toolkit with a rich set of components , forms the heart of the JFC 's user interface capabilities .
In this article , we 'll explore each of the major components of the JFC and then discuss some of the optional extensions .
Similar to JFC and its cousin , the Abstract Window Toolkit ( AWT ), the SWT toolkit provides a set of widgets to developers .
While Sun 's Java Foundation Classes ( JFC ) has been appeasing developers of client-side applications for several years now , many have avoided using the toolkit for a variety of reasons .
The experiment shows the wettability of binary complex is better than that of monobasis surfactant , which proves the cooperation between APG and JFC in the wettability .
LK-31 as nonionic quickly penetrating agent synthesized using self - made catalyst and the composition of I - octanol + 3 mol EO + 1 mol PO had much better permeability than conventional JFC as nonionic penetrating agent .
JFC is put into ammonium chloride and crystal aluminum chloride hardening liquid , the quantity addition of octanol ranges from 0.05 % to 0.10 % quantity of ammonium chloride and aluminum chloride , Surface coating and cast quality of shell have a famous effect .
Under the neutral conditions , the combination of OP-10 phosphonate with peregal O-20 , peregal A-20 , and JFC / displayed good deinking effect on ONP / OMG mixed waste paper . The brightness of the deinking pulp could be enhanced by 10.0 % ISO .