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Natalie Doan , 14 , has always felt lucky to live in Rockaway , New York .
Miss scarlett , you is so sweet an'pretty lookin'you Doan need no paint .
" Lawd , miss melly , Doan cry hyah on Peachtree street ," groaned uncle peter , hastening his horse 's pace .
One of four pillars designed to rise from the stadium floor and form the Olympic cauldron malfunctioned , leaving the speedskater Catriona LeMay Doan unable to join in the lighting .
" Miss Pittypat a fine woman an'she think she see eve'ything but she doan ," said mammy , and turning with the majestic air of having closed the interview , she went into the hall .
The wheelchair athlete Rick Hansen , the legendary ice-hockey player Wayne Gretzky , the skier Nancy Greene and the NBA star Steve Nash proceeded as planned , but LeMay Doan could only salute the crowd with her torch .
" She Doan never git no res'on her piller fer hoppin'up at night time nursin'niggers an po'w'ite trash dat could ten'to deyseff ," grumbled mammy in a monotone as she went down the stairs toward the carriage which was waiting in the side drive .