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  1. The center selected shirtfront after the word rose to prominence1 after Prime Minister Tony Abbott promised to " shirtfront " Russian President Vladimir Putin over the down of the Malaysian airline MH17 over Ukraine .


  2. After MH17 , we must choose collective security over national interest .


  3. Responsibility for the lives lost lies with those who brought MH17 down .


  4. An Australian couple whose three children died when Flight MH17 was shot down have a new daughter .


  5. MH17 , however , is very different .


  6. After MH17 , ICAO set up a task force on conflict zones .


  7. Evidence suggests that Flight MH17 was shot down .


  8. A team of international monitors has finally been given access to the victims of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 .


  9. BOCIURKIW : When we first arrived at the MH17 sites , there was no perimeter security .


  10. In the weeks after MH17 , it became clear that carriers differ vastly over conflict zones .


  11. For MH17 exposed an uncomfortable truth : there are no clear standards for determining whether a flight path is safe .


  12. Even before the downing of MH17 , Washington had tightened sanctions against Russia .


  13. Rebels in eastern Ukraine say the black boxes from downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 have been located .


  14. Even after the downing of MH17 , just one in 10 British voters would favour deploying western troops to defend Ukraine against Russia .


  15. But not even these statistics show how unusual the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 and the downing of Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine were .


  16. If they get the green light , Dutch police say they will then focus only on recovering any other remains or belongings of the victims on board Flight MH17 .


  17. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down as it flew over conflict-hit Ukraine from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur .


  18. In the next four days , we should be able to learn conclusively the when , the how and the where of the downing of MH17 .


  19. July 17 : Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashes near Grabove in eastern Ukraine , killing all 298 people on board , 193 of them Dutch .


  20. They 've been calling on both sides in the Ukraine crisis to facilitate and cooperate in the ongoing international investigation of the downing of Malaysian Airlines Fight MH17 .


  21. Hong Kong authorities confirmed that one resident of the city was aboard MH17 , while the latest statement from Malaysia Airlines says that 20 passengers have yet to have their nationalities confirmed .


  22. In today 's podcast , the tragic loss of MH17 over eastern Ukraine threatens to escalate civil conflict in the country , and means Malaysia 's state-owned carrier has an uncertain future


  23. He declined to comment further out of respect for the 298 passengers and crew of Flight MH17 , at least 189 of them Dutch citizens , who perished in the tragedy .


  24. The US said Flight MH17 , a Boeing 777 flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur , had been shot down in a missile attack as it flew over eastern Ukraine on Thursday .


  25. Fifa said it stood by a statement made in response to the downing of flight MH17 in July that hosting the World Cup " can be a powerful catalyst for constructive dialogue between people and governments . "


  26. The sequence of events since the Malaysian jet MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine is remarkably similar to the one that followed the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914 .


  27. Of course , there was also the Dutch cyclist who was supposed to have boarded not only that very same Malaysia Airlines flight ( MH17 ) but also the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in March !


  28. The report follows the worst year for fatal air accidents over the last decade , with AirlineRatings.com mentioning the Malaysian Airlines Flights MH370 and MH17 , in addition to the AirAsia Flight QZ8501 , as the industry 's worst incidents .


  29. Recently , a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist , C.J. Chivers , pointed out the numerous 17s and 7s involved with the tragic Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 that crashed in eastern Ukraine in July 2014 .


  30. Trusting his instincts , De Jonge noticed that a later flight was cheaper than the one he booked already booked which was the MH17 . He cancelled that flight and took the cheaper , later flight saving his life once again .
