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  1. Passenger in a car who gives unwanted advice to the driver We dot-multiply both sides by 9k .


  2. The culturing conditions of leaching-ore bacteria fluid from Yongping mine in 9K + S ore-culture medium have been studied through shaking flask experiment .


  3. The results of enrichment experiments indicated that bacterium grew well under the conditions of : culture temperature 30 ° C , initial pH 3.08 , quantity of inoculation 10 % and using 9K culture medium ;


  4. According to the analysis of adjusting the sour times , range and the degree of pH value descent , the ore-bearing 9K + S cultures more benefit to domesticate the Ferrobacillus .


  5. Furthermore , we performed a systematic evaluation of sensitivity and accuracy of the three assays through methylation profiling of gastric epithelium cell line Ges-1 and adenocarcinoma cell line MGC-803 with 9K CGI array .


  6. While according to the analysis of the inversion rate of Fe ~ ( 2 + ) and the precipitation rate of Fe in solution , the ore-bearing 9K cultures more benefit to domesticate the Thiobacillus .
