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  • 网络激酶;工具包;互操作测试工具集;台湾爱迪克;爱迪克导电银浆
  1. The Study of Brain Tissue Segmentation Methods from MR Images with ITK


  2. 3D Reconstruction for Medical Image Based on ITK and OpenGL


  3. This paper is about the research of level-set segmentation algorithm for medical image based on ITK .


  4. Cloning and Identification of Tec Family Protein Tyrosin Kinase Itk PH Domain and Detection of its Self activation in the Yeast Two hybrid System


  5. Owing to that the result of ITK iso-surface extraction is a Mesh whose Cell type is triangle , there must be an interface for OpenGL .


  6. Because ITK deficiency resembles EBV-associated lymphoproliferative disorders in boys , we suggest that this molecular cause should be considered during diagnosis and treatment .


  7. Results VTK and ITK can be applied to segment medical image , register multi-modal images , 3D reconstruct , display3D objects and simulate cutting .


  8. Under the popular programming environment VC + + 6.0 , a sequence of DICOM image is input , divided and 3d reconstructed by ITK and then rendered and output by OpenGL .


  9. Level-set method based on ITK may use many kinds of templates provided by ITK to realize the medical image segmentation effectively , which make segmentation image smoother , the boundary more accurate , the algorithm more efficiently .


  10. For reading the 3D image file of heart based on AVS field file format , the paper also designs and implements the plugin of image IO in ITK by using the plugin IO mechanism of ITK .


  11. The studies on LAT , SLP-76 , ItK and Vav have shown their roles in the signal transduction of Ras and phospholipase C χ 1to Ca 2 + .


  12. Then I studied and analyzed some segmentation algorithms based on level-set , especially , improved fast marching segmentation based on narrow-band , combined with segmentation model provided by ITK , which can achieve fast and accurate segmentation for medical image .


  13. This topic considers the output of threshold segmentation as the input of iso-surface extraction , set a value via SetObjeCTValue (), the pixels whose gray value are equal to it are extracted directly and then an ITK data type Mesh whose Cell type is triangle forms .


  14. In this paper , a background on the acquisition and mathematics of DTI is discussed and a novel step-variant fiber tracking model is proposed . Finally , a visualization platform for DTI analysis and fiber tracking is accomplished with VC + + / ITK / VTK .
