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  • abbr.胶片;独立降落监控器(Independent Landing Monitor);水平纵向感应磁力(扫雷)(Induced Longitudinal Magnetism);信息逻辑机器(Information Logic Machine)
  1. The use of state-of-the-art equipment , especially that employing digital technology , has enabled the industry to raise quality and productivity to new levels . The technology Centro has at its disposal is no less impressive than ILM itself .


  2. ILM aligns the business requirements and business processes with the service level requirements , in an automated fashion , from data creation to data deletion .


  3. Water soluble ilm coating , slow and control releasing coating .


  4. Strategies of Digital Collections Management on the Basis of ILM


  5. One of the objectives of ILM is to use cost efficient IT infrastructure based on business value of information .


  6. Policy based Data placement and movement for enhanced tiering and ILM ( Information Life-cycle Management )


  7. The pricing mechanism of Interruptible Load Management ( ILM ) is the hot point in recent years .


  8. In subsequent sections , we discuss how these commands are used for ILM .


  9. Interruptible load management ( ILM ) is an important part of Demand Side Management ( DSM ) in power market .


  10. On the other hand , the intrinsic incentive function of ILM cannot reduce the substitution cost efficiently either .


  11. This paper will discuss how tiering storage is an important component of an ILM practice , but not everything .


  12. In order to improve the disadvantages of ILM in nation , this paper design an iterative bid ILM pricing mechanism .


  13. This study is carried on with the growing method with ground plastic film and a new irrigation facility & irrigation ilm of greenhouse .


  14. In a tiering context , ILM is how we manage the repositories based on the requirements over time .


  15. The appropriate starting site for removal of posterior cortex and ILM should be the site without inner layer retinoschisis .


  16. ILM addresses these issues among others so that an appropriate technology can be automatically used to store data for each phase of its lifecycle .


  17. Propose content metadata specification based on requirements of ILM , which includes the definition , extraction , representation and transportation of content metadata .


  18. ICG can dye ILM well , which ensures the safe and accurate peeling of ILM .


  19. Based on the principles of formation of surface film , the discriminative equation of forming multi-layer ILM were derived and verified by experiments .


  20. Therefore , an extensive field of multi-layer ILM was shown , every one of multi-layer ILM would show broad prospects of development in its application .


  21. Firstly , ILM is still an employment institution with economic efficiency , despite ILM facing the challenges from the changing of economic and social environment .


  22. ILM was spawned out of star wars .


  23. Internal Labor Markets ( ILM ) theory is one of the newest economic theories in lately thirty years , and the newest component of Labor Economics .


  24. 15 eyes in group B underwent vitrectomy and peeling of ILM after the posterior pole was stained with ICG .


  25. Conclusion ICG-assisted retinal ILM removal appears beneficial and safe for primary idiopathic 3 and 4-staged macular holes .


  26. The macular fissure recurred in 5 patients after operation including 3 in ILM no-peeling group , one in each of the other two groups .


  27. ILM was stained by ICG in experimental group and ICG was instead by balanced salt solution in operational blank control group during the vitrectomy .


  28. It argues that under the condition of firm-specific human capital and asymmetric information , the ILM contracts are characterized by the long-term contracts based on incentive compatibility .


  29. I added all of that up , and it turns out that my animation education time before landing my dream job at ILM was18,400 hours .


  30. LSR and egress LER receive and transmit labeled packets , executing ILM ( incoming Label Map ) forwarder .
