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  • 网络散列值
  1. The first of the new methods added is hashCode () .


  2. The hashCode () method exists purely for efficiency .


  3. Equality method : define the equals () and hashCode () methods together for correct equality .


  4. Default equals , hashcode , and toString methods are automatically generated .


  5. Having every Java object support hashCode () allows for efficient storage and retrieval using hash-based collections .


  6. It is a classic Value Object , thus it implements equals () and hashCode () based upon its internal state .


  7. The Object class has two methods for making inferences about an object 's identity : equals () and hashCode () .


  8. When creating your own classes , you are supposed to provide both equals () and hashCode () methods together .


  9. In this case , when the equals () and hashCode () methods are generated , the style property is excluded .


  10. Using int , instead of long , for the return type of hashCode () increases the possibility of hash collisions .


  11. The interface contract for Object requires that if two objects are equal according to equals (), then they must have the same hashCode () value .


  12. Unfortunately this caused one problem : XPathNode inherits equals () and hashCode () from QName .


  13. For any array type , you can call Arrays . hashCode ( arrayVar ) and get a well formed hash code .


  14. Because these classes are immutable and implement hashCode () and equals () sensibly , they all make good hash keys .


  15. The window that opens asks you which fields you want to include when the hashCode () and equals () methods are called on your class .


  16. Depending on your class , you may also want to delegate part of the computation to the equals () or hashCode () function of the superclass .


  17. For more complex classes , the behavior of equals () and hashCode () may even be imposed by the specification of a superclass or interface .


  18. Should equals () and hashCode () be based on the object 's identity ( like the default implementation ) or the object 's state ( like Integer and String )?


  19. Eclipse lets you automatically generate the hashCode () and equals () methods for your classes so you don 't have to do it yourself .


  20. I have three methods to exercise various aspects of the software : testing the constructor , testing the getters , and testing the equals () and hashCode () methods .


  21. Note that both of these implementations delegate a portion of the computation to the equals () or hashCode () method of the state fields of the class .


  22. It also creates appropriate equals and hashcode methods , as shown in the last test & the object contents are the same , but they do not point to the same reference .


  23. Because on some architectures the address space is larger than the range of values for int , it is possible that two distinct objects could have the same hashCode () .


  24. It turns out it can do quite a lot : it can call the get () method , and it can call any of the methods inherited from Object ( such as hashCode ()) .


  25. Using the Eclipse Galileo hashCode () and equals () generation really comes in handy when you want to create rules that make your objects equal based on the actual values in the fields .


  26. To change this behavior , click Source > Generate hashCode () and equals () to generate a new version of the equals () method that compares all the fields , like the one shown below .


  27. With the help of the new hashCode () method of Arrays , you can use it to generate a hash code for any local array types , instead of rolling your own each time you need it .


  28. FindBugs has a detector for detecting many instances of this problem , such as overriding equals () but not hashCode (), or overriding hashCode () but not equals () .


  29. Basic ( rulesets / basic . xml ) & A grab bag of rules that most developers are unlikely to disagree with : catch blocks shouldn 't be empty , override hashCode () anytime you override equals (), etc.
