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  1. The country I would like to introduce is Holand .


  2. New wastewater plant built in Holand to control the pollution in Rhine River


  3. Holand , Large or Small ?


  4. But10 months later , she received a letter from a girl in Holand .


  5. Some products have been exported to England , USA , Holand , Poland , etc.


  6. Only Hitler was prepared to violate the neutrality of Belgium and holand .


  7. One of the girls Ichabod teaches Katrina who is the only daughter come from a rich family in Holand .


  8. Chinese subscribers have still remembered the " gentle " Elsevier from Holand in2000.At that time , Elsevier has just entered the market of China .


  9. Shield method has been used in underground engineering all over the world , especially in oversea submerged tunnel , such as English Channel Tunnel , Tokyo Bay Submerged Highway Tunnel , Holand Westerschelde Tunnel .


  10. This is the value of " experiment on density " which has been held by Holand architect Koohas , Office for Metropolitan and MVRDV group consists of young Holand architects .


  11. Mr. and Mrs. Holand Walshman have the honour to announce the engagement of their daughter , Miss Lucy , to Mr. Samual Russell on Saturday , August 11 , 2000 .


  12. Its products are not only sold all over the country but exported to US , Brazil , Japan , Germany , Holand , United Arab Emirates , India , France , Italy and so on .


  13. They cancel each other out . So , you know , The frontal of the fighting has been borned by the US , the UK , Canada , France , Holand and Denmark .


  14. The range of host plants of western flower thrips spread from hot pepper in 2003 to 65 species of plants belonging to 28 familia , in which Holand cucumber , melon and white radish were the most seriously infested crops .


  15. Don 't cry4 me Holand !


  16. The similar works in England , Holand and German needed more than 10 input variables , my model needs only 5 , i.e. daily average temperature , daily maximum temperature , wheat growth stage in decimal code , natural enemies and initial population densities of aphids at flowering stage .
