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  • 网络多层线性模型;多层次回归模型;阶层线性模式
  1. Second Birth Intervals in Rural China : An HLM Analysis


  2. The incremental learning algorithm in hybrid learning model HLM


  3. A HLM Study on the Influence of Class Variables on Middle School Students ' Depression


  4. Methods : Data of 4650 Chinese students from 82 middle schools were analysed by HLM .


  5. Based on HLM Valuation Levels Analysis of A-share Market


  6. The dialogues of HLM are known as language model of Chinese ancient novel .


  7. The method of dynamically integrating research questions and HLM was introduced with empirical research examples .


  8. The Transference of Style in the Poetry Translation in HLM


  9. Why don 't you send HLM home ?


  10. The combination of SEM and HLM provides a paradigm to solve multi-hierarchical research of variables relationship in organizational behavior .


  11. Application of the HLM Hoop-roller Mill in Superfine GCC Grinding


  12. This paper introduces the special methods of speed disposition in NC-Laser-Machine , and describes the structure of HLM 's software and hardware .


  13. After the publication of the complete English versions of HLM , a large number of scholars make research of its translations from different perspectives .


  14. HLM port & Device 's network port for HLM ( AMP ), such as5550


  15. Thirdly , a Tri-gram language model is created by using HLM to train the data in corpus continuously and to evaluate the results .


  16. Hong Lou Meng ( HLM ), generally accepted as an encyclopedia of Chinese culture , is the summit of classic Chinese novels .


  17. Heat-loss modification ( HLM ) is one of the key techniques in burning rate measurement of solid rocket propellants in a closed burner .


  18. The Application of Hierarchical Linear Model in Longitudinal Research on the Study of Education and Psychology ; A HLM Study on the Influence of Class Variables on Middle School Students ' Depression


  19. Now , she almost never mentloned hlm .


  20. You could change HLM lnto not calllng you .


  21. Among the tremendous amounts of literary works , Hong Lou Meng ( HLM hereinafter ) is a resplendent jewel .


  22. My flrst lmpulse was to go down and rescue hlm .


  23. Hierarchical Linear Model ( HLM ) and cross - lagged regression were conducted to analyse the development of prosocial behavior and its relation with internalizing behaviors respectively .


  24. Hong Lou Meng ( HLM ) is one of the excellent classic novels in the history of China , which is regarded as the greatest narrative work of realism .


  25. The results of HLM analyses show that ( 1 ) positive affect experience , self-esteem and social relation satisfaction positively predicted life satisfaction , and negative affect experience was a negative predictor ;


  26. From the double views of academy and practice , this paper addresses the necessity , rationale and the application scope of HLM analysis used in the field of the health of the aged research .


  27. Hierarchical Linear Model ( HLM ) results indicated that teachers ' pedagogical content knowledge , the cognitive level of mathematical learning task , and the classroom discourse significantly predicted students ' conceptions of mathematical learning ;


  28. In this chapter we use such software as AMOS , HLM , SPSS , via confirmatory factor analysis , multi-layer linear regression and hierarchy regression and other statistic methods to test the hypothesis proposed in chapter three .


  29. It also adopts statistical analysis methods which is able to process complex nested relation , so as to realize the separation of individual effect 、 industrial group effect and geographical group effect on the basis of technology through HLM software . 2 .


  30. The function of the narration is mainly to present the key characters , main plot and organize story . While the artistic achievement of the dialogue of HLM is successful arraying seven hundred dazzling characters .
