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美 [ˈhɛkər]英 [ˈhɛkə]
  • 网络赫克
  1. Maximilian Hecker describes his music as " melancholic pop hymns " .


  2. Sig Hecker , the visiting scientist who saw the recently unveiled enrichment plant , said its control room was astonishingly modern .


  3. KELEMEN : Hecker isn 't alarmist about this , but says , it is important for nuclear scientists in both countries to learn new techniques on nuclear safety from each other .


  4. SEIGFRIED HECKER : Hopefully , the book will demonstrate to both governments it was absolutely essential for us to work together over these past 20 years , and that we 're not done .


  5. Maximilian Hecker is not only understand the most beautiful melodies of the British pop music , but he also innately have elegant and melancholy temperament .


  6. The first was to reveal to the world what Siegfried Hecker , a visiting US nuclear scientist , described as an astonishingly modern uranium enrichment facility with at least 1,000 centrifuges .


  7. HECKER : So I don 't think anything terrible is going to happen overnight , but we 're undermining safety and security of nuclear assets in Russia , for that matter , and in the United States .


  8. Since the plant is much more extensive than expected , the fear expressed by analysts such as Siegfried Hecker , the US scientist who visited the complex , is that North Korea could have other facilities hidden elsewhere .


  9. KELEMEN : Speaking from his office at Stanford , Hecker says that this cooperation has been tapering off in recent years and has now all but ended in the wake of the disputes over Ukraine and Crimea .


  10. MICHELE KELEMEN , BYLINE : A former head of Los Alamos National Laboratories , Seigfried Hecker , is working on a book about the extraordinary cooperation between U.S. and Russian scientists in securing loose nuclear materials and upgrading former Soviet sites .


  11. HECKER : You know , there were times in the ' 90s when we 'd have a hundred of our scientists and engineers at the various Russian facilities - the Russian institutes at various times . Today , if we have a few of them , you know , that 's actually quite a bit .
