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  • 网络查表;单元;阈值逻辑单元;异常逻辑单元
  1. A TLU that could do this would need to make more than one cut in the space of possible inputs .


  2. A TLU learns by changing its weights and threshold .


  3. This TLU classifies these inputs into two groups : the1 group and the0 group .


  4. The graph of this equation cuts the four possible inputs into two spaces that correspond to the TLU 's classifications .


  5. Since the reformation in 2006 , CET becomes a more useful instrument to measure university students ? integrative ability to use English as the foreign language in TLU situations .


  6. The first step toward understanding neural nets is to abstract from the biological neuron , and to focus on its character as a threshold logic unit ( TLU ) .


  7. In the case of a TLU with an arbitrary number of inputs , N , the set of possible inputs corresponds to a set of points in N-dimensional space .


  8. Insofar as a human brain that knows about logical conjunction ( Boolean AND ) would similarly classify logically conjoined sentences , this TLU knows something like logical conjunction .


  9. A TLU is an object that inputs an array of weighted quantities , sums them , and if this sum meets or surpasses some threshold , outputs a quantity . Let 's label these features .


  10. Through an analysis of mine CAD system , this paper utilizes TLU training principle in artificial neural network , which can show open-cast mine plan targets dynamically in mine planning , thus it improved the production schedule competently and efficiently .
